Why Good Oral Health Is As Important In Childhood As In Adulthood

What you need to know about your child’s oral health

Your child is precious, and you want to do everything you can to ensure your child is healthy. Good oral health is a vital part of your child’s general health, and habits formed early in childhood, can translate into a lifetime of great oral health as an adult. Your dentists at Oral HealthTLC Family Dentistry in Lee’s Summit, MO have been treating the dental needs of both children and adults for over 35 years. They would like to help you discover why good oral health is as important in childhood as it is in adulthood.

You should start early stressing the importance of dental visits and good oral hygiene. Your Lee’s Summit dentists at TLC Family Dentistry want you to know current recommendations are to bring in your child within 6 months of the eruption of the first tooth, and at least within your child’s first year. This is because decay doesn’t wait until your child is older. Decay can start just after tooth eruption. When you bring your child in early, it instills the value of preventive care, and values formed early are retained when your child is an adult.

Teach your child good oral hygiene habits by demonstrating a few simple techniques. If your child understands how to prevent tooth decay and gum disease at an early age, it can prevent a lifetime of future problems. Your dentists can help your teach your child to brush after every meal and before bed, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Your child should brush gently in a circular motion, cleaning all sides and surfaces of teeth and along the gumline.

Children can begin to learn flossing techniques around age 4, when their dexterity is better. You can also have your child use floss picks if they are easier. The important thing is to clean between teeth, where the toothbrush can’t reach. When your child starts flossing early, it can prevent gum and periodontal disease when your child reaches adulthood.

Good oral health is important for your child, so your child can experience great oral health as an adult. Your dentists at TLC Family Dentistry in Lee’s Summit, MO would like to partner with you to create a lifetime of smiles for your child and your family. Get your child started on the road to good oral health by calling today!

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