Do I Have a Cavity?

Do you have a cavity? Dental decay is one of the most common oral health problems in the United States and one of the most dental decaypreventable, too. Yet, many individuals are not attuned to the symptoms of this defect in tooth enamel.

Dr. Jamie Thurman-Taylor and Dr. Garret Guthrie --your Lee's Summit, MO dentists at TLC Family Dentistry--want patients of all ages to understand the symptoms and causes of dental decay and how best to prevent and treat this problem before it leads to tooth loss.

Symptoms of Decay

Sometimes newly forming cavities are asymptomatic, and people don't realize they have a problem. However, as the disease process continues, common signs develop:

  • pain when biting down on the tooth
  • sensitivity to hot or cold or to sugary foods (candy, soda pop, cake frosting)
  • swelling of the jaw or at the gum line
  • reddened gums
  • a dark spot or discoloration on tooth enamel
  • throbbing toothache

Patients should call their Lee's Summit dentist right away if they experience any of these symptoms.

Treatment of Decay

Treatment begins with an oral exam. The dentist will take digital x-rays to visualize roots and bone, and they may use a small intra-oral camera to explore hidden areas of the mouth. A instrument called an explorer probes suspect areas of tooth enamel.

With a confirmed diagnosis, the dentist proceeds with removing decay and placing a tooth-colored filling made of composite resin, a blend of acrylic and glass which creates a durable bond to healthy enamel. When decay is deep and infection exists, root canal therapy removes diseases inner pulp and covers the tooth with a dental crown. Both procedures usually need nothing more than local aesthetic.

Prevention of Decay

The team at TLC Family Dentistry encourages healthy lifestyle habits to prevent decay. The American Dental Association maintains that the best way to keep enamel (and gums) intact is regular hygiene practices at home and at the dentist's office. Brushing 2 times a day for 2 minutes and flossing once a day removes plaque. Semi-annual cleanings eliminate the plaque tooth brushing misses. Sticky plaque harbors bacteria which erode tooth enamel through the acids they secrete.

The dentists advise eating a low-sugar diet and encourage kids and adults to consume plenty of low-fat meats, high-fiber cereals, fruits and veggies and high-calcium dairy products. Water cleanses teeth and gums and stimulates saliva, too.

Finally, fluoride treatments at the office, added to fluoride toothpastes and rinses at home, harden enamel. This naturally-occurring mineral remains a mainstay in prevention of tooth decay. Plastic sealants cover back teeth with deep grooves.

Where is Your Cavity?

Hopefully, you do not have one, but if you suspect you do, contact TLC Family Dentistry for a quick appointment. Dr. Thurman-Taylor and Dr. Guthrie are experts in the prevention and restoration of dental decay and a whole range of oral health issues. Call the dentists serving Greenwood, MO, Lake Winnebago, MO, Pleasant Hill, MO, Raymore, MO, Belton, MO , Lone Jack, MO, and Harrisonville, MO at (816) 537-6161 today.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-2:00 pm



