Show Off Your Best Possible Smile

Are you looking for a simple way to transform your smile? Dental veneers are the ideal choice for people who want to makeveneers improvements to their smile. Dr. Jamie Thurman-Taylor and Dr. Garret Guthrie, your Lee's Summit, MO dentists at TLC Family Dentistry share some information about veneers.

What are dental veneers?

Veneers are thin, tooth-shaped shells that your dentist bonds to the front surfaces of teeth. They're often made with porcelain, a durable material that reflects light the same way that tooth enamel does. Although veneers may not be thick, they're very tough and resistant to staining.

When are veneers recommended?

Veneers are a good idea if:

  • -You don't like the gaps between your teeth: Gaps, a common cosmetic issue, can easily be disguised with veneers. If your gaps are large, braces may be a better choice.
  • -You have a discolored tooth: Teeth can become discolored if you had a large filling, experienced tooth trauma or used an antibiotic like tetracycline in the past. Your dentist will choose a veneer that matches the shade of surrounding teeth exactly to ensure that the restoration isn't noticeable.
  • -You want to cover chips: Chips, even if they're small, can be very noticeable. Veneers hide these minor imperfections very effectively.
  • -You want a long-lasting whitening option: If whitening products don't get your teeth sparkling white, veneers can be a better option. Thanks to a range of shade selections, you can finally get the white smile of your dreams.
  • -You don't like the way one or more of your teeth look: One tooth that doesn't look quite like the others can ruin the symmetry of your smile. The tooth may be crooked, a little pointy or too short. No matter what the problem, veneers offer an excellent way to conceal those little flaws that you just can't ignore when you look in the mirror.

Are you ready to take advantage of the benefits of dental veneers? Call Dr. Thurman-Taylor and Dr. Guthrie, your Lee's Summit, MO, dentists at TLC Family Dentistry serving Greenwood, MO, Lake Winnebago, MO, Pleasant Hill, MO, Raymore, MO, Belton, MO, Lone Jack, MO, and Harrisonville, MO at (816) 537-6161 to schedule your appointment.

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