How Long Do Fillings Last?

Dental fillings play an important role in repairing teeth that have developed areas of decay. When the teeth are properly cared for, dental fillingsfillings can last a long time but not necessarily forever. Over time, fillings can sometimes become worn down or they can even come loose. When this happens, it’s time to replace them. The Lee's Summit, MO, dentists at TLC Family Dentistry can examine your teeth and determine if any of your dental fillings need to be replaced.

Types of Fillings

When there are signs of decay in a tooth, the dentist corrects the problem by removing the decay. The empty cavity left behind is then cleaned out and filled in. The cavity can be filled in with a number of different types of dental fillings. Two of the most common types are amalgam and composite. Your Lee's Summit dentist can help you decide which type of dental fillings are right for you. Keep in mind that your dental insurance might only cover certain types of dental fillings.

Amalgam fillings have long been the traditional choice for filling cavities. They tend to be affordable, strong and durable. Many patients have amalgam fillings that have lasted from childhood into late adulthood, which demonstrates just how durable they are. Amalgam fillings are made from a mix of metals, including silver, tin, copper and mercury. The mercury binds all of the metals together. The binding of these metals is what makes these fillings so strong. One drawback is that they appear silver in color and are more easily noticeable than other fillings.

Composite fillings are a popular alternative to the more traditional amalgam fillings. One reason for their popularity is their color. Unlike the silver tone of amalgam fillings that stands out, composite fillings match the natural color of the teeth. They blend in more easily so that it isn’t as obvious that you have dental fillings. Composite dental fillings are made from a strong plastic resin material. Although this type of filling is preferred by many patients for its less conspicuous appearance, composite fillings are not as strong as amalgam dental fillings.

When to Replace Fillings

Most dental fillings last for several years; sometimes even decades. However, routine tooth functions like biting and chewing can cause your fillings to wear out over time. Dental fillings should be replaced if they come loose or if there is any soreness in the tooth containing the filling. Fillings should also be replaced when the tooth containing the filling has become cracked or shows signs of decay.

Your Lee's Summit, MO, dentist at TLC Family Dentistry can give you a thorough checkup and tell you if any fillings are in need of replacement. To schedule an appointment, call TLC Family Dentistry at (816) 537-6161.

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