Experiencing dry skin from hand washing?

Every good American citizen that has been following CDC guidelines during the coronavirus pandemic has been feverishly washing their hands!  Not only are we washing away germs and viruses; we are also stripping away proteins and oils that act as a shield that helps maintain natural skin moisture.  Both soap and hand sanitizer breaks down this natural barrier. 

Dry or cracked skin makes it easier for bacteria and other germs to get inside your body.

Remember the following:

  • If possible, use liquid soap with glycerin and lanolin listed as ingredients.
  • Use warm not hot water to wash your hands.
  • Gently pat dry your hands with a paper towel or soft cloth.
  • Apply moisturizer right away.

If possible, keep moisturizer next to your soap or sanitizer bottle.  It is also a good idea to keep some in your pocket or purse. 

Moisturizers help restore the barrier function of the skin.  Choose a cream or ointment over a lotion.  Products such as Vaseline containing petrolatum is a good choice and will help retain water content while soothing the skin.

If your skin is persistently dry or cracked, you may need medical attention.

If you are suffering from dry skin, make an appointment with a dermatologist at the Boynton Beach, FL office of Dr. Timothy A. Nielsen. Call us today at (561) 737-4888.

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