Diabetic foot/nail care

How does diabetes affect my feet?

Many people with diabetes have mild to severe nerve damage. This can cause diminished feeling in the feet. As a result, you may not feel cuts, scratches and breaks in the skin. These wounds can lead to unnoticed infection.

For example, if you have diabetes, you may not notice rough seams in shoes or socks that rub against your skin and result in sores. You may also not be aware of weakening joints, which can cause you to change the way you put pressure on your feet as you walk. Friction you can’t feel may cause your skin to blister and crack, opening a path for infection.

Your blood nourishes tissues and carries infection-fighting cells to those tissues that need them. Because diabetes can cause circulation problems, your feet may suffer from a reduced blood supply, putting you at greater risk for infection.

What does “diabetic foot” mean?

You may have heard this term, which refers to the complete cycle of foot irritation, skin breakdown, ulceration, necrosis (dead skin) and bone infection that can lead to limb loss and/or the spread of infection to other parts of the body. With proper foot care, this cycle of events can be prevented or minimized.

Do I need to visit Dr. Zboinski?

Because diabetes affects many organs of the body, management of the disease often requires several medical specialists. It is important to keep your feet healthy.

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