Patient Rights

As a patient of the Center For Digestive Health you have the right to:
- Access care without regard to sex, cultural, economic, educational, or religious background or the source of payment. 

- Care consistent with sound medical and nursing practices within the Center’s capacity, its stated mission, and applicable laws and regulations. 

- Considerate and respectful care, with recognition of your personal dignity. 

- Care provided in a safe environment. 

- Consideration of privacy. Case discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment are confidential and should be conducted discreetly. Those not directly involved in the patients care must have your permission to be present. 

- Knowledge of the identity, professional status, and credentials of the person provision services to you, and to change physicians if other qualified physicians are available. 

- Receive as much information about any proposed procedure, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and prognosis you may need in order to give informed consent. The information may be provided to a person designated by the patient or to a legally authorized person. 

- You also have the right to know the name of the person responsible for the procedure and/or treatment. 

- Actively participate in the plan for care and decisions regarding care. Except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons. 

- To the extent permitted by law, you have the right to request or refuse treatment and to be informed of the medical consequences of your action. You have the right to leave the center even against advice by your physician. You have the right to approve or refuse your release from the Center. 

- Appropriate assessment and management of pain while at the center. 

- Timely response to any reasonable request you may make. 

- Have a family member or representative and your personal physician notified promptly if admission to a hospital is necessary. 

- Be informed of the continuing healthcare requirements following discharge. 

- Confidential treatment of all communications and records pertaining to your care. Your written permission will be obtained before medical records can be made available to anyone not directly concerned with your care. 

Patient Conduct and Responsibilities

The care the patient receives depends partially on the patient them self. Therefore, in addition to these rights, a patient has certain responsibilities as well. These responsibilities should be presented to the patient in the spirit of mutual trust and respect. As a patient you have the responsibility to: 

1. Follow the organization’s policies concerning patient care and conduct. 

2. Provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to your health. You are responsible for reporting unexpected changes in your condition. 

3. Keep appointments and notify the center when you are unable to do so. 

4. Follow the treatment plan developed with your physician, including the instructions of nurses. 

5. Ask a question when you do not understand what you have been told about your care or what is expected of you. 

6. Accept responsibility if you refuse treatment or if you do not follow your treatment plan. 

7. To provide reliable transportation from a reliable responsible adult. 

8. Respect the rights of other patients, staff, and organization property. 

9. Honor your financial commitments to the Center for Digestive Health.