The 7 Most Important Things To Know About Foot And Ankle Pain: #5

The 7 Most Important Things To Know About Foot And Ankle Pain: #5

#5- Orthotics (custom arch supports) Are A Great Remedy For Many Foot And Ankle Problems


According to research, approximately 85% of foot and ankle conditions improve or are cured by Orthotics. Please understand that we’re referring to custom-made inserts (for your feet only) NOT store-bought arch supports.

What Orthotics can do, that store bought inserts can’t, is get your feet to function how they were meant to. We call it STABILITY and CONTROL. They eliminate any extra movements the foot makes but isn’t supposed to. Extra movements lead to many foot and ankle conditions such as Plantar Fascitis, Bunions, Bone Spurs and Arthritis; just to name a few.

What’s more, Orthotics often eliminate knee and back pain. Fixing the foundation, your feet, often fixes other parts of the “temple” (your body).

Orthotics can be made to fit any shoe type. The more they’re worn, the less chance there is of having the foot condition recur. We make Orthotics for children and adults. Besides eliminating foot or ankle pain, they also can help prevent many common foot and ankle conditions.

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