Children's Feet Treatment

Children's Foot Care by Skilled Pediatric Podiatrist, Dr. Adriana Strimbu in Hallandale Beach, FL

Does you child complain of aching and pain in the feet? 

Kids Feet Treatment - Dr. Adriana Strimbu

Does your child walk with a limp?

Does your child walk with the feet inward or outward?

If you answered yes, they most likely need children's foot care from Dr. Adriana Strimbu, skilled pediatric podiatrist in Hallandale Beach, FL. Dr. Strimbu  evaluates and treats children of all ages and would be happy to help your child as well. 

There are many pediatric problems that resolve as your child grows however some do not. It is important that you have your child's feet evaluated to prevent other lower extremity issues later in life.  

Having your children's feet checked will ensure that small foot problems won't be turning into big problems. The best time to bring your child for their foot exam is after your child starts walking. 

If you are concerned with your child's foot health call 954-455-9404 to schedule your child's pediatric foot examination with our skilled pediatric podiatrist or schedule an appointment online now.

Common foot problems in children include:

When does my child's feet need to be assessed?

We recommend that you bring your child to the podiatrist to have the feet checked as soon as the child starts to walk.

Other reasons to bring your child for a foot evaluation are:

  • Foot or ankle pain
  • Knee pain
  • Clumsiness and/or Tripping
  • Difficulty keeping up with other children
  • Low back pain or hip pain that maybe related to their feet problems
  • If you notice that your child’s feet are holding them back in any way

Common Questions About Children Foot Health

Children Foot Care by Adriana Strimbu, DPM

Why do my child's feet hurt?

Heel pain is a common foot problem in children. Your child will complain to you of pain in the heel on the bottom or in the back of the heel. These are the most common types of heel pain in kids. Sever's disease is most often the cause of heel pain in your child. It is inflammation of the heel bone growth plate. It is usually aggravated by sports such as running, jumping, basketball, soccer and other sports. Treatments include ice, rest, anti-inflammatory medication.

How soon can my child return to sports after having heel pain / Sever's disease?

It usually take between 3-6 weeks until this pain and inflammation is resolved and then your child can return back to sports?

Does my child need to see a podiatrist if they have flat feet?

Yes. It is recommended that a podiatrist evaluates your child's feet. Many times the podiatrist will recommend orthotics  / shoe inserts for your child's flat feet.

What kind of orthotics are best for my child?

Custom orthotics are always the best for anyone, adult or child. Custom orthotic will capture the foot deformity the best and try to correct it. They are made specific for your foot type and deformity.

How much do orthotics cost?

Orthotics prices can range anywhere from $55 - $700 depending on type of orthotic needed. 

What type of orthotics are available for children?

There are many types and shapes, depending on your child's foot problem. 

Some type of orthotics are:

Prefabricated orthotics

Custom molded orthotics

Gait plates (which can be either to correct intoeing or out-toeing)

How long will custom orthotics last for a child?

This depends how quick your child's feet grow. We recommend that you have your child's orthotics evaluated every 6 months. The reason being is because kids feet grow quickly and they outgrow that orthotics pretty fast. So until your child has reached his/her foot ideal foot size, you will have to change their orthotics with every shoe size change. Once the feet stop growing, a custom orthotic will last about 3 years, in general. 

Where can I get my child custom orthotics?

Our Hallandale Beach skilled podiatrist, Dr. Adriana Strimbu prescribes and makes custom orthotics for adults and children. We invite you to come an schedule an appointment today for your custom orthotic evaluation.

How long does it take for the orthotics to be made?

It takes about 2-3 weeks. And if for any reason you cannot wait that long, we can put a rush on them for a charge of $25.

What shoes do orthotics fit best in?

Orthotics work best for closed toe shoes such as sneakers or casual shoes. If you are planning to buy new shoes, we don't recommend that you buy any new shoes until you get the orthotics. This way you can take the orthotics with you at the store and see which shoes fit best and what size. It is not recommended to wear orthotics in open toe shoes. Also dressy shoes are a little harder to fit orthotics into.

When should i take my child to the foot doctor / podiatrist?

If your child is complaining of foot pain and it does not go away within a week or two, then you should consider bringing your chaild to the podiatrist for evaluation. Also is your child walks with a limp or if your child walks inward or outward, it is recommended that you bring your child to the podiatrist. Other reasons to bring your child to the foot doctor are redness, swelling, pain, fractures, warts, pigeon toe walking, flat feet, heel pain.

Schedule Your Patient Consultation Today!

If you have a child with foot and ankle pain / issues, give us a call at 954-455-9404 or make an appointment online now to schedule your child foot examination with our award winning podiatrist, Dr. Strimbu.

While our podiatry office is conveniently located in Hallandale Beach, FL, we serve patients from Dade and Broward County including:

Hallandale Beach | Hollywood | Fort Lauderdale | Aventura | North Miami | Miami | Sunny Isles Beach | Pembroke Pines | Coral Gables | Surfside 

| Bal Halbor | Plantation | Cooper City | Weston

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