Orthotics & Shoe Inserts: Custom/ Over the counter

For Hallandale Beach and surrounding areas: Cutting Edge Orthotics and Shoe Inserts 

Are you suffering from foot and ankle pain? If so you should consider custom orthotics (shoe inserts).  But wait maybe you say, "I have tried custom orthotics and they do not help me." If you are one of these people, we recommend that you try a new pair and from a different provider. Remember the quote, "Not everything is created equal". That's right not all custom orthotics are the same. Every podiatrist has his ways of making you their version of what is considered the best orthotic in their experience. Our Hallandale Beach podiatrist / foot doctor has extensive experience in making custom orthotics.  

Come get your custom orthotics and experience  walking foot and ankle pain free!

Imagine if you can get rid of your annoying foot and ankle pain that has been bothering you for years. Schedule your visit with Dr. Adriana Strimbu and let her make you the best custom orthotics for your foot type (shape) and foot or ankle problem. It's easy to book an appointment with our foot doctor, Dr. Strimbu, either by calling (954)-455-9404 or book an appointment online now by clicking here. In many cases, we have same day appointments available. 

What are shoe inserts?

Shoe inserts are over the counter insoles that cushion your feet, support the arches, provide comfort. But they cannot correct the biomechanical foot problem in your feet. 

What are some kinds of shoe inserts?

Some kinds of shoe inserts are:

  • Arch supports have an "arch appearance" in the  instep and they provide support to your foot. 
  • Insoles are made of gel, foam or plastic. They provide extra cushion or support to your feet.
  • Foot cushions / foot pads are used to pad a specific area to prevent pressure from the shoe, like heel pad or toe pads.
  • Heel liners / padding / cups will provide padding and cushion to your heel. They will help someone that has fat pad atrophy or thinning of the fat pad in the heel.

Types of Orthotics: Prefabricated (over the counter) vs. Custom made

Orthotics come in many shapes and sizes.  They are used to prevent and help relieve foot pain. They can be prefabricated or custom made orthotics.


  • Prefabricated orthotics are shoe inserts or arch supports or insoles that you can buy over the counter and they are not unique to your foot type. They lack the custom made precision of a prescription orthotic. It's hard to fit  one size fits all in the orthotic world.  Prefabricated orthotics or shoe inserts rarely match your feet well and they do not provide you the customized support you need. They are ok but only until you have your custom made orthotics made. Also they will not last you very long. Prefabricated orthotics are weak and they will last about 4-6 months. Even if you are not able to see just by looking at them, they will wear out and your feet will not get the proper support they need.
  • Custom orthotics are also referred to as custom shoe inserts, custom made arch supports or custom insoles. Custom orthotics are specifically made according to your foot shape and size.  An impression or a mold of your feet is taken using a foam box or casting fiberglass sock. This impression is then sent to the laboratory for fabrication according to the recommendations made by your podiatrist. Custom made orthotics are very strong and will last you about 3 years. 

Types of Custom Orthotics

Custom made orthotics can be further divided into functional orthotics and accomodative orthotics. 

  • Functional orthotics control the abnormal motion in your feet, and thus they are used to treat the foot pain which is caused by abnormal motion.  They are usually semi-rigid to rigid and made of plastic or graphite. They can also be used for shin splints, tendonitis, knee pain, back pain, neck pain.
  • Accomodative orthotics are soft and they provide cushioning and support to the feet. These are the type of orthotics that diabetic people use especially if they have calluses or ulcers on the bottom of their feet. They are also used for people with sensitive feet or for patients with circulation problems.

Three Different Foot Shapes (Types): 

  • normal or neutral foot type, 
  • high arch foot type, 
  • low arch or flat feet foot type

Knowing the foot type / shape is important, not only in how an orthotic is made, but also helps determine what kind of shoes are good for your foot.

Foot Alignment Problems can be helped by Custom Made Orthotics:

PRONATION - a condition when the feet turn inward when you walk.

SUPINATION - a condition when the feet turn outward when you walk.

Custom made orthotics can help correct pronation and supination by aligning the feet to the normal position and thus helping decrease or resolve the pain.

Common orthotics and shoe inserts questions

What kind of foot problems are orthotics used for?

Some of the foot problems that orthotics are mostly used for are:

  • Heel pain / Plantar fasciitis
  • Bursitis
  • Achilles Tendonitis / Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis
  • Peroneal Tendonitis
  • Foot & ankle pain
  • Pronation syndrome / Flat feet / Pes planus
  • Pes cavus
  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Morton's neuroma

Do you need orthotics?

Most people could benefit from orthotics. As mentioned above, orthotics can be prefabricated or custom. The degree of the biomechanical foot problem or foot deformity will determine if you need orthotics and what kind. 

What kind of orthotics or shoe inserts do you need?

It depends. You will need to have a biomechanical foot evaluation to determine the biomechanics of your feet. It is according to those results that will determine what kind of orthotic you will need. 

What types of custom orthotics are there?

Orthotics come in various types, shapes and forms from the material that is used to make them to the activity that you want to use them for to the shoe that you are looking to put them in. 

Are orthotics supposed to cover the whole sole of the shoes?

Custom orthotics come in different lengths. They can be:

  • Full length, which cover the whole sole of the shoe
  • 3/4th length, which will only cover 3/4th length of the sole of the shoe



How do i know which length is best?

It depends on what kind of shoes you want to use them in. Meaning if your shoe is more norrow at  the tip, it is possible that you cannot use a full length orthotic in this shoe. You will need to use a 3/4th length orthotic because if you use a full length orthotic, then your shoe will feel too tight and your foot will feel the pressure. In a sneaker for example, a full length orthotic is best. 

What is the difference between a shoe insert and a custom made orthotic?

A shoe insert is an arch support or an insole or a foot cushion or heel pad that is not custom made to your foot type. It can be bought without a prescription. A custom made orthotic is a custom shoe insert that has been prescribed by a doctor and made according to your foot deformity.

How is a custom orthotic made?

Custom orthotics are molded to fit each individual foot precisely. Thus you should know that custom molded orthotics fit and do what they are supposed to do as opposed to a shoe insert.

What are best shoes to wear with orthotics?

Best shoes to wear with orthotics are sneakers. But there are also dressy orthotics, which are thinner and made specifically to be worned in dressier shoes, where an ordinary orthotic that you would put in a sneaker will not fit. 

Do shoe inserts or orthotics help with calluses?

Custom made orthotics provide support the feet and help prevent any abnormal motion within the foot. They also help decrease pressure to the feet and thus they decrease callus formation. 

Do orthotics help with back pain?

Yes. Custom made orthotics / custom shoe inserts can help  decrease back pain.

Do custom made orthotics help heel pain and plantar fasciitis?

Yes. Custom made orthotics help with heel pain and plantar fasciitis. They will help take pressure off your arch and  heel and help support the feet, thus resulting in decrease of pain to the area.

Who can benefit from custom orthotics / custom shoe inserts?

Anyone, from kids to adults, with a biomechanical foot problem can benefit from custom orthotics.

How much do orthotics and shoe inserts cost?

Custom made orthotics are more expensive then a regular otc shoe insert. Custom made orthotics can run anywhere from $450-$1000 depending on what is done. A prefabricated shoe insert might cost between $40-$100. 

Are custom made orthotics covered by insurance?

Custom made orthotics can be covered by insurance sometimes, but we find out that most of the time they are not. We find out that a lot of insurances that cover custom orthotics may have a high durable medical equipment deductible. What this means is that even though custom orthotics may be a benefit on your insurance, you still have to pay out of pocket since your deductible has to be met before your insurance kicks in to pay.

How long does it take to have custom orthotics made?

Usually it takes about 2-3 weeks from the time that we mold your feet and get measurements for your orthotics till the time we give them to you to use.

Are custom made orthotics worth it?

Yes. Custom made orthotics are well worth it. They will help control the abnormal motion within your feet and thus decrease the foot pain that creates that abnormal motion.

Do custom made orthotics wear out?

Yes. Custom made orthotics can wear out depending on the activity level and for how much you use them. 

When to replace custom made orthotics?

Your podiatrist can give you the best advice as to when your custom made orthotics need to be replaced.  So it is important that you keep regular appointments with your podiatrist. Custom made orthotics usually will last between 3-5 years depending on how much you are using them. 

How to clean custom made orthotics?

Custom made orthotics should be kept dry. They can be disinfected with a antifungal shoe spray.

What is the benefit of consulting with a podiatrist when choosing orthotics or shoe inserts?

The podiatrist will do a careful examination of your feet and watch you walk (gait evaluation). After, will asses the motion of your feet, ankles and legs and listen to your concerns and foot problems that you might have. Gathering all this information will help the podiatrist  determine what type of shoe inserts or orthotics you need. Also if custom made orthotics are needed, the mold of your feet can be taken right there and will be sent to the laboratory for fabrication according to the specifications given by the podiatrist.

Where to get custom made orthotics near me?

Our Hallandale Podiatrist office located at 404 North Federal Highway, Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 makes custom made orthotics. You can come into our office to get custom made orthotics. Please call 954-455-9404 to schedule an appointment for custom made orthotics.

Schedule Your Custom Orthotic / Shoe Inserts Consultation Today!

If you or a loved one are experiencing foot pain or ankle pain and are in need of custom orthotics, then we invite you to schedule your podiatry appointment today and have an evaluation for custom made orthotics / custom shoe inserts. 

Our podiatrist, Dr.  Adriana Strimbu will examine your feet and can make you the best custom orthotics /shoe inserts. Come into our office, whether you are in need of prefabricated (over the counter) orthotics / shoe inserts or custom orthotics / custom shoe inserts, we have them all. 

Simply call 954-455-9404 to reach our Hallandale Beach podiatry office  and speak with one of our friendly team members or book an appointment online now by clicking on this link.

While our podiatry office is conveniently located in Hallandale Beach, FL, we serve patients from Dade and Broward County including:

Hallandale Beach | Hollywood | Fort Lauderdale | Aventura | North Miami | Miami | Sunny Isles Beach | Pembroke Pines | Coral Gables | Surfside | Bal Halbor | Plantation | Cooper City | Weston

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