Cosmetic Services


At FDL Dermatology, our cosmetic advice and services are firmly grounded in the art and science of dermatology. We only recommend the procedures and products that will deliver the best results for your particular situation.

Our cosmetic services include: 

IPL and YAG Laser Treatments

IPL and YAG lasers use highly-focused light energy to treat a variety of skin conditions. They are ideal for unsightly veins or benign vascular lesions, such as telangiectasias. IPL is also effective for hemangiomas, solar lentigines (sun spots), sun damage, and rosacea.

Both IPL and YAG are performed as a series of treatments


Botox is an injectible that is commonly used to reduce or eliminate the appearance of facial wrinkles in the areas surrounding the eyes, forehead and mouth. Though it is a purified neurotoxin, it is a safe and effective treatment that can last from three to six months.

Note that botox is not recommended for patients with an active infection; any history of multiple sclerosis or any other neurological disorder; taking certain antibiotics; or who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to be pregnant in the next three to six months.


Microdermabrasion is effective for the treatment of mild skin aging, sun damaged skin, melasma, and black- and white-head extraction. Our crystal-free system uses a diamond-encrusted wand tip and light vacuum pressure to decrease the drying effect that is common among other microdermabrasion systems.

Often, six visits are needed to provide the patient with optimal treatment. Maintenance can be performed as little as every six months.

Chemical Peels

CosmeticsDespite the name, you do not need to “peel” in order have excellent results from a chemical peel.

At FDL Dermatology, we perform a variety of chemical peels to improve the appearance of pigment changes in the skin, acne scars, sun damage, wrinkles, and lesions or growths.

During the procedure, a chemical peel solution is applied to the entire face or to specific treatment areas. Once dry, it peels away the skin’s top layers. Peel solutions may contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) or trichloroacetic acid (TCA), depending on the depth of the peel and other factors.

To ensure less risk and a shorter recovery time, we may choose to use several light to medium depth peels rather than one deep peel.

Peels are most effective in a series of treatments spaced about one month apart.

Our Location

1005 North Glebe Rd | Suite 540 | Arlington, VA 22201

Hours of Operation

We are open SOME national Holidays.

FDL Dermatology


9 AM-4 PM


9 AM-3:30 PM


9 AM-3:30 PM


11 AM-7 PM alternating Thursdays


9 AM-3:30 PM


Call for Availability

