Our Services

Dr Courtney Herbert

At FDL Dermatology, we routinely treat patients for common dermatological conditions, such as rashes, using the safest and most effective methods available. Read on to learn more about common skin conditions and disorders, along with our treatment methods.

Our medical treatments include:


Though acne is associated with the teenage years, it can occur at any age. Many people initially treat their acne with over-the-counter products, but often prescription medication provides more effective treatment. Acne can be treated with various creams, lotions, and antibiotics. In some cases, Accutane may be required to prevent scarring from severe acne.

Cryotherapy/Liquid Nitrogen

Cryotherapy is commonly used to treat actinic keratoses, warts, and irritated seborrheic keratoses.

Dandruff or Seborrheic Dermatitis

This itchy condition is an extremely common skin disorder that can cause your scalp, sides of your nose, eyebrows and skin behind your ears to become red, flaky and easily irritated.

It occurs where excessive oil glands are present and is caused by an overgrowth of a common yeast.

While some over-the-counter shampoos and oils can be helpful, prescription shampoos and lotions can more effectively alleviate the itching and excessive flaking.

Eczema/Dry Skin

One of the most common inflammatory skin conditions, eczema causes dry, scaly patches on the skin that are very itchy. It can occur in patients with a family or personal history of asthma and can be present on the cheeks of newborn babies.


Herpes is caused by the human simplex virus (HSV) and can result in painful eruptions around the mouth, nose, and genital area, including buttocks.
The herpes virus can also cause shingles, the same virus that causes chicken pox. Shingles starts with a painful tingling sensation, followed by the eruption of blisters in a linear or grouped array.

Both viruses are very contagious in their active stage. If you suspect that you have either of these viruses, avoid contact with sexual partners and pregnant women. Call us immediately to schedule an appointment so we may begin anti-viral treatment as quickly as possible.


Moles can be benign, cancerous, or, in some cases, precancerous. The best way to examine your moles is to remember the pneumonic ABCDE:

  • A – Asymmetry – Is there any irregularity in the shape of your mole?
  • B – Border – Is the border of your mole scalloped or corrugated?
  • C – Color changes – Are your moles brown and uniform in color? Any black, red, blue or other colors are an indication that a mole is changing and can be a cause for concern.
  • D – Diameter – Do you have any moles larger than a pencil eraser?
  • E – Evolving – Are any of your moles changing, or has one changed recently? It could mean it is atypical.
  • Do not hesitate to make an appointment if you notice an evolving mole!

Skin Biopsy

We perform shave, punch and excisional biopsies for several skin conditions, as it is the best way to diagnose a skin condition and to fully excise an abnormal mole.
All of our skin biopsies are reviewed by a qualified dermatopathologist (a dermatologist who subspecializes in the microscopic diagnosis of skin disorders). We call you with the biopsy results within one week.


Rosacea is another common skin disorder that affects more than 13 million Americans. It is characterized by redness or flushing when stressed (in both cold and excessively warm weather), exercising, and as a result of excessive sunlight exposure. It can also be triggered by spicy food, alcohol, and caffeine.
It occurs more often in women than men, can include broken blood vessels or pimples, and often appears in the middle of the face and on the nose.
Untreated rosacea can lead to permanent redness of the face, unsightly blood vessel growths and an enlargement of the nose called rhinophyma. Dr. Herbert will identify the best medical and cosmetic regimens for you in order to minimize these long term complications.

Skin Cancer

There are 3 types of skin cancer – basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma – all of which we diagnose.

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
BCC is the most common form of any cancer in the United States. It occurs on areas of chronic sun exposure, such as the face, scalp, neck and upper body.

Once detected, a BCC is simple and easy to treat. For most BCC’s, patients are referred to a Moh’s surgeon for excision and further treatment.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
SCC also occurs on sun exposed areas, but they are more likely to be discovered on the lips, hands, ears or arms. As with BCC’s, SCC’s are best treated by a Moh’s surgeon.

BCC and SCC often appear as a new pink `bump’ or a sore that will not heal.

Malignant Melanoma

Malignant melanoma is a very serious skin cancer, because unlike BCC’s and SCC’s, it can metastasize to other parts of the body (like lymph nodes, liver and brain).

Melanomas usually present as darkly pigmented lesions with irregular borders, but some rare melanomas are skin colored.

Because some moles can progress into melanomas, if you notice any changes in the ABCDE’s, make an appointment to see Dr. Herbert as soon as possible.

Always remember, the best way to prevent any skin cancer is by wearing sun protective clothing and sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 (reapply frequently!).

Skin Tags

These hanging moles can appear on the neck, armpits, breasts, inner thighs and buttocks. They are hereditary and can be irritated by necklaces, underwear and bras.
Dr. Herbert can remove these lesions with scissor excision or cautery, depending on the location. Since they are not pre-cancerous, insurance companies often do not cover treatment.

Total Body Skin Examination

A total body exam is the best way to detect skin cancers, abnormal moles and other suspicious growths. As the name implies, the entire body, including scalp, toes and fingernails are thoroughly examined.

It is recommended that this procedure be performed annually to detect any new suspicious moles or skin cancers. Monthly self examinations are also encouraged.


These harmless growths are caused by a virus called the human papilloma virus (HPV). Several different kinds of warts exist and can occur on the hands, feet, and genital area. Unfortunately, they can spread to different parts of the body.

Because there are several treatment options, including liquid nitrogen, canthardin and bleomycin, we choose the option best suited to your situation.
You can read more about these and other skin conditions by visiting the American Academy of Dermatology website.

Our Location

1005 North Glebe Rd | Suite 540 | Arlington, VA 22201

Hours of Operation

We are open SOME national Holidays.

FDL Dermatology


9 AM-4 PM


9 AM-3:30 PM


9 AM-3:30 PM


11 AM-7 PM alternating Thursdays


9 AM-3:30 PM


Call for Availability

