west side pediatrics

Phone: 513-922-8200


Search for Handouts and Resources:

American Academy of Pediatrics Logo

  • Vaccine Concerns - You're Undecided

    Vaccine Facts for Informed Decision-Making

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  • Vaccine Reactions - Normal

    A reaction to a recent immunization (vaccine) shot. Most reactions are at the injection site (such as pain, swelling, redness).

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  • Vaccine Reactions - Specific Details

    A reaction to a recent immunization (vaccine). Most reactions are at the shot site (such as pain, swelling, redness).

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  • Vaccines - Infections They Prevent

    Vaccines can protect your child from 16 severe infections.

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  • Viral Rash

    A pink rash that is all over the body. The rash is part of a viral illness.

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  • Vomiting (Age 1-5)

    Care advice on vomiting in children 1 to 5 years of age.

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  • Vomiting (Age 6-21)

    Care advice on vomiting in children 6 to 21 years of age.

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  • Vomiting (Baby on Breastmilk)

    Causes of and care advice on vomiting in breastfed babies.

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  • Vomiting (Baby on Formula)

    Causes of and care advice on vomiting in formula-fed babies.

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  • Vulvitis from Soap

    Irritation of the vulva (external genitals) from soap or other irritants. Mainly occurs in young girls before school age.

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  • Wart - Plantar

    A wart on the bottom of the foot (plantar surface). Viral infection of the skin.

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  • Warts

    Warts are small raised growths that have a rough surface. Viral infection of the skin.

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  • Weaning From the Bottle - 12 Months or Older

    You want to stop bottle feeding, but your child resists. Here are some tips to help.

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  • Weaning From the Bottle - Before 12 Months

    Weaning is the replacement of bottle feedings with drinking from a cup. It means an end to nipple feedings. Here are some tips to help.

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  • Whining and Pestering

    Whining is a verbal temper tantrum. Compared to screaming tantrums, it’s a step up the developmental ladder. Some examples of whining behavior are: A child who won’t take No for an answer. He keeps repeating his demand for something you’ve told him he can’t have or do.

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  • Wildfire Smoke Exposure

    Wildfire smoke exposure, mainly from forest fires. The most common symptoms are coughing, a congested nose and watery eyes.

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