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Choosing CEREC

Shorter Time, Great Results: The CEREC© Advantage

CEREC Same Day Crowns Baltimore, MDWhat is CEREC?

CERECis an acronym for Chairside Economical Restoration with Esthetic Ceramics. Translated, it means that a dentist can economically restore damaged teeth in a single appointment using a high-quality ceramic material that matches the natural color of other teeth.

How does the instrument work?

CEREC uses CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing) technology, incorporating a high frequency light emiting camera, an ultra-fast computer and micro-milling machine. The dentist uses the 3D camera to take an accurate picture of the damaged and prepared tooth. This optical impression is displayed on a computer monitor, where the dentist uses CAD technology to design the restoration. The virtually created restoration is then WiFied over to the Siemens micro-milling unit which creates the restoration while the patient relaxes. Finally, the dentist bonds the new restoration to the surface of the tooth to restore optimal function and cosmetics. The whole process takes 90-180 minutes depending on the type of ceramic used.

What does this innovation mean for a patient?

A tooth-colored restoration (crown or cap, onlay or inlay) can mean no more mercury-silver fillings to discolor your smile. The ceramic is natural-looking, compatible with tissue in the mouth, wear resistant and plaque-resistant. The dentist no longer needs to create temporaries or take impressions and send them to a lab. Because of this, the traditional second visit has been eliminated. The CEREC restorations have over two and a half decades of clinical research and documentation to support the technology. The restorations have been proven precise, safe and long lasting.

How can I find out if this is an option for me?

Please feel free to call our office. We will be happy to answer your questions about this exciting technology.

Want to learn more about CEREC Same Day Crowns from K. Michael Murphy and Associates, LLC? Call our Baltimore, MD office at (410) 235-1233 for more information

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