Why flossing and how to floss.

Why flossing and how to floss.


No matter how thoroughly you brush your teeth, it’s impossible to reach the plaque and food debris that reside under the gum line between your teeth.  Flossing will help you remove plaques and food between your teeth and this in turn will prevent gingivitis, cavities and periodontal disease.

Using dental floss can help you prevent gum disease and tooth decay because it stimulate the gum, polish the tooth surfaces, prevent buildup of plaque, and reduce gum bleeding.


How to Floss Properly? 


Gather about 15-20 inches of floss and wind it around your two pointer fingers, leaving a couple inches to floss with. Slide the floss gently between your teeth. Curve the #floss in a “C” shape around each tooth and move it up and down.


Be sure to go below your gum-line without force it. Use a new section of floss as plaque and food debris builds up.


 If your gums red and inflamed you will see some bleeding with flossing;however, if you continue flossing and brushing properly, routinely, the bleeding should stop after few days and you gums will look pink and healthier.  


For more information and advice on flossing visit your Bellevue, WA dentist or contact us @cascadiadentalspecialists.com

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