Discover the Benefits of Botox

Find out how this injectable treatment could give you a more youthful appearance. 

Love laughing but loathe those laugh lines? If you are looking for a simple solution to refresh your appearance and smooth away facial lines/wrinkles caused by squinting, smiling, or frowning, then our Delray Beach, FL, cosmetic dermatologist, Dr. Yvette Tivoli, can help give you the look you want with help from Botox.

What is Botox? 

By now, most people know or at least have heard of Botox, a cosmetic injectable that is designed to prevent the muscle contractions that lead to wrinkles and fine lines of the face. Within these very thin needles is a solution made from a highly purified and medical-grade form of a neurotoxin known as botulinum toxin. When injected directly into certain muscle groups, it blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles which prevents their contraction and allows expression lines to relax and soften.

What are the benefits of Botox? 

Here are some of the advantages of getting Botox treatment from our office in Delray Beach, FL:

  • Avoid surgery: You don’t have to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to get a more youthful appearance. When you begin to notice wrinkles, you are often able to slow their progression with the help of Botox.
  • Treatment is fast and non-invasive: Botox can be administered in just a few minutes without needing anesthesia. Some people even choose to take their lunch break or come in after work to get treatment because it usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Go back to your routine: We know that many of our patients lead busy lives and can’t take time off work. With Botox treatment, you won’t have to use those precious sick days, as there is absolutely no downtime associated with the treatment. Simply come into our office, get Botox, and head back to work or continue your daily routine. It’s that easy!

Interested? Give us a call

Want to find out if you are right for Botox treatment? If so, call Atlantic Derm in Delray Beach, FL, today at (561) 802-7546 to schedule your appointment!

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