The Benefits of Dermal Fillers

Improving your appearance doesn't have to involve surgical procedures. Dermal fillers provided by your Delray Beach, FL, dermatologist, Dr. Yvette Tivoli of Atlantic Derm, offer a simple solution if you're concerned about sagging, wrinkles or loss of facial volume.

How dermal fillers work

Lines, wrinkles and sagging are an inescapable part of aging, even if you avoid the sun as much as possible and use moisturizer, sunscreen and other facial products daily. Fortunately, it's possible to counteract these natural changes with dermal fillers. Fillers are injected under the skin by your Delray Beach skin doctor and restore volume and fullness to your face.

Some fillers last for several months, while others gradually diminish after a few years. The type of dermal fillers you receive will depend on your goals and the area of the face to be treated. Common filler types include hyaluronic acid, collagen, calcium hydroxylapatite and poly-l-lactic acid.

What fillers can do for you

Fillers can be used to:

  • Plump Cheeks and Lips: Loss of volume in your cheeks can make you look much older than you feel. Fillers add volume and reduce sagging, making your skin look firmer and more youthful. They're also a good choice, no matter what your age, if you'd like fuller lips.
  • Improving Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Wrinkles form easily when your skin starts to sag due to loss of collagen, the natural protein that gives skin its elasticity. Fillers firm your skin, allowing wrinkled skin to become noticeably smoother.
  • Decrease Lip Lines: Aging can also cause tiny vertical lines around your lips. Fillers plump these lines and help prevent lipstick from settling into the lines.
  • Make Nasolabial Fold Lines Less Prominent: Have you noticed that the fold lines that extend from your mouth to your nose are much more obvious? Adding fillers minimizes these lines in just minutes.

Revitalize your appearance with dermal fillers! Call your Delray Beach, FL, dermatologist, Dr. Yvette Tivoli of Atlantic Derm, at (561) 802-7546 to schedule an appointment.

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