Are You Dealing with Rosacea?

Acne rosacea is a disease that affects the skin of the face – mostly the areas where you blush. Rosacea may come and go in cycles and fluctuates depending upon how severe it is. Although the disease cannot be cured, it can be controlled with treatment. Led by Dr. Yvette Tivoli, Atlantic Derm here in Delray Beach, FL, offers many highly effective treatments for rosacea. 

What Causes Acne Rosacea?

The exact cause of the rosacea is unknown, but it may be due to hereditary and environmental factors. The disease is not caused by bad hygiene. Some doctors think the condition occurs when blood vessels dilate, causing a flushed look. Individuals who blush often may be more likely to develop rosacea, as are those who are female, over age 30, or have a family history of rosacea. 

What Are its Symptoms?

The symptoms of rosacea range from mild-to-severe, varying among patients. The symptoms of rosacea include redness, pimples, inflamed eyelids, and thicker skin. There may also be swelling and a burning feeling. In some patients, the nose becomes bumpy, red, and larger. In most cases, the condition only affects the face. 

How is it Diagnosed?

Early diagnosis and treatment is important to control the condition and prevent its progression. There's no specific test for acne rosacea. Instead, doctors rely on the history of your symptoms and a physical exam. In some cases, your dermatologist may have you undergo tests to rule out other disorders, such as other forms of psoriasis, lupus, acne, or eczema. 

How is Rosacea Treated?

There is no cure for acne rosacea, but it can be treated through oral antibiotics. Topical treatments can also ease the redness associated with the condition. Small red lines can be treated with electrosurgery or laser surgery. Consult with your Delray Beach, FL dermatologist to find out which treatments are best for you. 

Contact Us

Ready to do something about your complexion? Call Atlantic Derm at 561-802-7546 right now to schedule a consultation with your dermatologist in Delray Beach, FL. Dr. Yvette Tivoli will help you win the fight against rosacea!

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