Say Goodbye to Your Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Find out how Botox could take years off your face in just a few minutes. 

Curious if Botox can help improve the state of your skin? Our Delray Beach, FL, dermatologist, Dr. Yvette Tivoli, has certainly helped many patients smooth away lines and wrinkles with this simple, injectable treatment; however, before deciding if Botox is right for you, here’s what you should know about this non-invasive cosmetic treatment:

It Treats Those Frown Lines 

Love to be expressive but hate that it shows up in the form of deep wrinkles around your mouth, eyes, and forehead? Don’t worry—Botox can treat that. Any lines and wrinkles that stand out every time you smile, frown, or squint, are the exact wrinkles that can be smoothed away with Botox. This includes those pesky frown lines between brows, as well as marionette lines around the mouth and wrinkles around the eyes.

Botox is Great at Any Age 

Both men and women are reaping the benefits of Botox regardless of age. This injectable treatment can take years off your face and while patients in their 40s and 50s may often turn to Botox, individuals in their 20s and 30s are also getting Botox as a preventative measure, as well. Botox is great for everyone, whether you are dealing with minor lines or deeper wrinkles, and it could even slow the progression of wrinkles in those who are younger.

Treatment is Fast 

Who says you don’t have time to get cosmetic dermatology? While you may not be able to take time off to get surgery or other treatments, it only takes a couple of minutes to administer Botox and there is no recovery time. You can get treatment and immediately go back to work, making Botox a great option for working professionals.

You Can Receive Botox More than Once 

While Botox results usually last about three months, if you want to maintain results for longer, our Delray Beach, FL, cosmetic dermatologist, can provide maintenance treatments about every four to six months.

Interested? Give Us a Call

Atlantic Derm in Delray Beach, FL, provides Botox, dermal fillers, and a variety of cosmetic dermatology services to help you achieve beautiful, healthy skin. If you want to discuss your candidacy for Botox, then call (561) 802-7546.

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