Treating Your Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis is a common skin disease that negatively impacts the skin cells' life cycle. When you have psoriasis, your body isn’t capable of shedding skin properly. This leads to the formation of patches or scales that are itchy, thick, dry, and reddish, whitish, or silvery, sometimes even painful. Here at Atlantic Derm in Delray Beach FL, Dr. Yvette Tivoli can recommend suitable treatments for psoriasis depending on its severity.

How You Can Manage Your Psoriasis

Unfortunately, psoriasis isn’t curable. With that said, management typically starts with conservative methods and proceeds to more aggressive approaches when necessary. A multitude of treatment options is available that can help reduce flare-ups and manage troublesome symptoms.

For moderate and mild cases of psoriasis, medicated ointments and creams are usually recommended. For severe cases, topical treatments along with light therapy are typically prescribed. For more severe psoriasis symptoms that don’t respond to conservative treatments, injected or oral medications are needed. These medicines, however, could have adverse effects, so they should only be taken under your guidance of your dermatologist here in Delray Beach FL.

It’s also vital to point out that psoriasis symptoms are commonly triggered by stress. This can mean emotional stress from significant life events or physical stress from lack of sleep, fatigue, or illness. This means that stress reduction should be an important part of managing your symptoms.

Other Crucial Things to Note About Psoriasis Treatments

As is true for most treatments, what might work for one individual might not necessarily work for another individual. Likewise, certain treatments may work for some time, but there may come a time when the body may build up a tolerance to them and stop working or become less effective. Psoriasis could also be very unpredictable, with cycles of worsening and improvement. Despite these difficulties, however, you need to continue with your treatments and determine the most effective ones specific to your needs.

Further, take note that unmanaged psoriasis could intensify or cause other health issues like heart disease and arthritis, so effective management is key. If your current treatment for psoriasis is giving you uncomfortable side effects or your symptoms persist, don’t hesitate to explore other treatment approaches with your dermatologist.

To Get Relief from Psoriasis, Speak to Us

Dial (561) 802-7546 to arrange a consultation with Dr. Yvette Tivoli here at Atlantic Derm in Delray Beach, FL.

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