Rosacea Symptoms and Causes

Facial flushing and acne-like bumps may be signs of rosacea, one of the conditions your Delray Beach, FL, dermatologist, Dr. Yvette Tivoli of Atlantic Derm treats. Rosacea can occur at any age, although it is most common in middle-aged women.

What are the symptoms of rosacea?

Rosacea symptoms may include:

  • Flushing: Redness and warmth may spread across your face, neck, and upper chest during a rosacea flare-up.
  • Bumps: Rosacea may also cause pus-filled bumps that resemble pimples.
  • Red Lines: Thin red lines may appear on your face. The lines are caused by swollen blood vessels.
  • Eye Issues: Swollen eyelids, broken blood vessels on the eyelids, inflammation of the whites of your eyes, and irritated, dry eyes can accompany rosacea.
  • Enlarged Nose: If you've had rosacea for many years, your nose can eventually become larger, particularly if you're male. Fortunately, treatment can help you avoid changes to your nose.

Although it's not always possible to determine why you have rosacea, you may be more likely to develop the condition if you are female and 30 or older. Other risk factors include sun damage or smoking or a family history of rosacea.

What can I do about rosacea?

If you've noticed certain things cause flare-ups, avoiding these triggers can help you control uncomfortable flushing. Triggers vary from person to person but may include stress, drinking alcohol, exercising, eating hot or spicy foods, or exposure to hot or cold temperatures.

It's also important to use gentle skincare products formulated for sensitive skin. Products that contain alcohol and other strong ingredients may irritate your skin and worsen your symptoms. Wearing sunscreen year-round will also help you avoid rosacea flare-ups.

Your Delray Beach skin doctor offers a variety of treatments that are very effective in controlling rosacea symptoms. They include medications to reduce redness, antibiotics to decrease bacteria on your skin, anti-acne medication to treat pimples, and laser therapy to reduce redness and inflammation or reshape an enlarged nose.

Do you struggle with rosacea symptoms? Call your dermatologist in Delray Beach, FL, Dr. Yvette Tivoli of Atlantic Derm, at (561) 802-7546 to schedule your appointment.

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