The Benefits of Microneedling

Aging is a fact of life, but if you aren't ready to accept your wrinkles there are ways to turn back the clock, even without the use of chemicals or invasive treatments.

Delray Beach, FL, dermatologist Dr. Yvette Tivoli offers microneedling for more youthful, glowing skin without injections, peels or lasers so you feel great about the health and look of your skin.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling uses a set of needles which lightly puncture the skin to create small tears. This process, done directly on the area of skin you wish to smooth, triggers collagen production, improving the firmness and elasticity of your skin and ironing out creases.

In what areas can I have microneedling done?

This procedure can offer benefits to portions of the face where fine lines are common, including above the lips and around the eyes. Microneedling can also help reduce the appearance of scars on the face or body.

Is the process painful?

Your dermatologist at our Delray Beach, FL, office will apply a topical anesthetic to help keep you comfortable during the procedure, and you shouldn't feel any discomfort beyond a warm or tingly sensation at the site. You may experience some slight redness after the process, which should dissipate within 48 hours.

What are the benefits of microneedling?

Microneedling is a quick way to smooth skin, with results appearing within a few days and lasting several months. You may need multiple treatments to achieve your desired effect, but the change is far more dramatic and faster than you would achieve with anti-aging creams or serums.

While Botox and Juvederm require injections, microneedling doesn't enter below the surface of the skin, which allows for fewer side effects and quicker recovery. You can space your treatments closer together, and the cost is less than that of fillers or injections.

You may also find microneedling offers a more natural smoothing effect, as Botox or fillers can result in a frozen or puffy appearance if overdone.

Take years off your face with microneedling from dermatologist Dr. Tivoli of Atlantic Derm in Delray Beach, FL. Call us at (561) 802-7546 to make an appointment.

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