The Best Treatment for Moles & Warts

Are you concerned about a mole or wart? Your dermatologist in Delray Beach, FL, Dr. Yvette Tivoli of Atlantic Derm, offers treatments that safely remove these growths.

Wart treatment

One of these treatments may be a good option if you have warts:

  • Salicylic Acid: This acid slowly gets rid of warts by removing cells layer-by-layer. During your treatment, you'll apply salicylic acid to the growth or use patches prescribed by your skin doctor.
  • Freezing: Freezing, also known as cryotherapy, causes your wart to blister and fall off.
  • Cantharidin: Cantharidin offers another wart option. When applied to the skin, the natural chemical loosens your wart, making it easier for your dermatologist to remove.
  • Electrodesiccation and Curettage: This two-part treatment involves scraping the wart off the skin and killing any lingering wart cells with an electric needle.
  • Laser Therapy: Laser therapy offers an effective way to treat many skin issues, including warts. The energy generated from the laser light heats the wart cells, killing them.
  • Immunotherapy: During your visit to the Delray Beach, FL, dermatology office, your dermatologist may recommend immunotherapy, a treatment that uses your immune system to attack wart cells. You'll receive injections that trigger an immune system response.

Mole treatment

Moles are usually removed if:

  • Your clothing irritates them
  • You don't like the way they look
  • Their appearance has changed

It's particularly important to see your skin doctor if you notice changes in a mole, as changes could mean that you may have melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Call your dermatologist if your mole grows bigger, changes color or shape, is no longer symmetrical, bleeds, itches, or has blurry or irregular borders.

Your doctor removes moles by numbing your skin than shaving or cutting the mole off your skin. Moles are sent to a laboratory to ensure that the growth doesn't have cancerous cells. If you do happen to have skin cancer, you may need surgery and other treatments to treat the disease.

Would you like to get rid of a wart or mole? Call (561) 802-7546 to schedule an appointment with your Delray Beach, FL, dermatologist, Dr. Tivoli of Atlantic Derm.

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