The Benefits of Botox

How Botox from your dermatologist in Delray Beach, FL, can help you look younger

When you look in the mirror, you should be happy about the face staring back at you. If you are noticing the early signs of aging including lines and wrinkles, chances are you’d like to improve your face. Botox can help, and it’s available from your dermatologist.

Dr. Yvette Tivoli at Atlantic Derm in Delray Beach, FL, provides a wide range of dermatology services, including Botox treatment, to help you look younger.

Aging happens, and no matter what you do, your skin loses moisture and elasticity as a normal part of the aging process. Instead of your skin looking smooth, fine lines, wrinkles, and creases form along the lines of expression.

Fortunately, there are many highly effective ways to fight the early signs of aging, and one of them is Botox. This amazing material comes in an injectable form. It works by temporarily “freezing” the nerves and muscles around the injection site. After Botox injections, your skin will appear smooth and rejuvenated.

Botox is the perfect option to treat:

  • Crow’s feet, the fine lines radiating outward from the corners of your eyes
  • Furrows, the deeper lines which run across your forehead
  • Glabella, the deep creases appearing between your eyebrows
  • Marionette lines, the lines running from the corners of your mouth down to your chin
  • Nasolabial lines, the deep vertical lines running from your nose to your mouth

Consider that Botox treatment is:

  • Effective, because you will notice results almost immediately
  • Quick, because Botox treatment takes only a few minutes
  • Safe, because Botox has been rigorously tested and approved by the FDA

Botox is easily tolerated by most people, and you can request a numbing spray beforehand. The number of injections you need will vary based on the areas being treated. Maintenance treatments are recommended periodically to keep you looking your best.

To discover more about the magic of Botox and how it can help you look younger, call Dr. Yvette Tivoli at Atlantic Derm in Delray Beach, FL. You can reach her in the office by calling (561) 802-7546, so call now.

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