Discover the Benefits of Microneedling

What can microneedling do for your skin?

When it comes to turning to our Delray Beach, FL, dermatologist Dr. Yvette Tivoli for skin rejuvenation, you have many options. Microneedling has become increasingly popular over the last few years as a way to improve your skin's tone, texture and overall appearance without the need for invasive procedures or surgery. Here’s what you should know,

What Is Microneedling?

As the name suggests, microneedling involves using multiple tiny needles to create micro-injuries to the skin. This triggers the body’s natural healing processes, including boosting collagen production. This cosmetic treatment can treat a wide range of skin problems.

When you turn to our Delray Beach, FL, team for microneedling, we will first cleanse your face before applying a numbing cream to the skin. From there, we will use a pen-like device on the skin. The process can take anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour, depending on which areas you are looking to treat.

What Are the Benefits of Microneedling?

There is a wide range of benefits associated with microneedling, which is why it’s so popular. Some of the benefits include,

Instant results: While it can take weeks or even months to improve tone and texture due to new collagen production, we can say that many of our patients still see instant results after just their first session. This can be incredibly confidence-boosting and motivating, especially if a patient comes in for multiple sessions to treat more moderate to severe imperfections.

No surgery: These days, you don’t have to go under the knife to get excellent results for your skin. Microneedling allows individuals in Delray Beach, FL, to refresh and rejuvenate their appearance without undergoing invasive treatment or surgery. No incisions, no scars, no pain.

It doesn’t require downtime: Another benefit of microneedling is that you don’t have to hold up in your home for days, hiding from the world while you heal. You may notice some swelling and redness immediately after your treatment, but it will go away in a few hours. You can return to your routine right after your microneedling session so it won’t mess up your schedule.

Offers anti-aging benefits: We are all looking for the Fountain of Youth, and while we haven’t found it yet, microneedling does stimulate collagen production, which goes a long way to keeping skin elastic, firm and flexible (just like it did in your youth). By getting microneedling, we can stimulate collagen and elastin production and help target those signs of aging. 

Want to turn to our Delray Beach, FL, dermatologist Dr. Tivoli and the Atlantic Derm team for microneedling? To schedule a consultation, call (561) 802-7546 today.

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