Benefits Of Dermal Fillers

If you’re looking for a great way to improve the look and feel of your skin without invasive procedures, Dr. Yvette Tivoli at Atlantic Derm in Delray Beach, FL offers dermal fillers and other effective solutions to help you meet your goals.

6 Benefits of Dermal Fillers in Delray Beach, FL

Dr. Tivoli and the team at Atlantic Derm are proud to offer dermal fillers, as they offer the following benefits and more. 

1. Naturally Increases Elastin and Collagen

Dermal fillers have hyaluronic acid in them – which is a natural component. The great thing is that hyaluronic acid naturally increases the production of collagen and elastin, providing natural, healthy skin. And as it promotes a natural process in the body, it provides much longer-lasting results than most other treatment options. 

2. Addresses Scars, Lines, and Wrinkles

Hyaluronic acid goes beneath the surface of the skin, filling in the lines and wrinkles that people want to get rid of. It also softens any scar tissue near where it is injected, helping to minimize the appearance of scars on your skin. 

3. Little to No Risk or DownTime Involved 

Any procedure or treatment method comes with some level of risk, but dermal fillers pose few to none. You might see some redness and swelling or bruising, but it will probably disappear in less than a week. You won’t need to take time off from work or other activities. 

4. Provides Volume to Thinning Areas 

It’s not uncommon for many areas, including lips and cheeks, to lose volume over time. And thin lips and sunken cheeks are typically not a desirable look. Dermal fillers are a great way to plump everything back up. 

5. Quick Process and Results 

Most of the time – especially if you’re visiting your regular dermatology clinic – you can have the actual procedure done in as little as 10 minutes or so. And you should start to notice a difference in about a week. 

6. Provides Beautiful Skin Subtly 

Many options for minimizing lines and wrinkles require a procedure that is hard to ignore. In most cases, someone will realize you’ve had “work done,” as many say. 

However, dermal fillers are very subtle. Though you’ll often see some results in about a week, it keeps working after that, providing gradual changes. When people do notice a difference, they’ll think you’ve been exercising, drinking more water, or doing another healthy activity that is affecting your skin in a positive way. 

Ready to love your skin? Call (561) 802-7546 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tivoli at Atlantic Derm in Delray Beach, FL to learn if dermal fillers are right for you.

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