
-A Clear Alternative to Crooked Teeth


Are crooked or crowded teeth something you wish had been corrected when you were younger? Do spaces between your teeth catch food and make you self conscious? Does the thought of a mouth full of metal prevent you from straightening your smile? Many adults have found a clear alternative to old-fashioned metal braces to correct all of these problems, called Invisalign! 

With the Invisalign technology, orthodontics isn’t just for kids any longer. In fact, today adults make up 25% of all orthodontic patients! The technique uses a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth. The aligners are made from a clear flexible plastic making them comfortable and virtually invisible. Best of all, the aligners can be removed for important social events. Typical treatment time varies from 6 to 18 months. 

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. A beautiful smile can make you look younger and can dramatically improve self-esteem. Orthodontic treatment is a short-term investment that can have a lifetime of benefits. 


A consultation visit will determine if Invisalign can be used for each individual situation. If it is determined that Invisalign can be utilized, a records appointment is needed to take impressions and pictures of your teeth as well as any necessary X-rays. Those materials are sent to the company for analysis. 

A few weeks later, an appointment is scheduled for you to review the proposed process on the computer. The computer program will show you exactly how your teeth currently look and how they will be moved into perfect alignment. Once the process is approved, the trays are made. 

When the trays are received, appointments are typically every 4 to 6 weeks so that progress can be monitored and new sets of trays can be given. 

Typical treatment lasts 6 to 9 months after which time it is recommended to wear a retainer at night for at least an additional 6 months.

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