
- The Drill-less way to a Perfect Smile

There is now a solution for chipped, rotated, worn, discolored and spaced teeth that does not involve the dental drill. Porcelain veneers (also called laminates) are thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to teeth to create a perfect smile. Traditional porcelain veneers require the removal of ½ to 1 mm of enamel to achieve the proper esthetics and strength. Since natural tooth enamel is removed, traditional veneers are an irreversible procedure.  

Lumineers are essentially porcelain veneers with one significant difference. They do not require the removal of natural tooth structure. Lumineers are made from a special proprietary porcelain that is stronger, thinner and nearly transparent. As a result, Lumineers can be bonded directly over teeth. Since they do not require drilling, anesthesia is not necessary.  

Lumineers are often completed in 2 to 3 visits. After a consultation, impressions are made of the teeth. No temporary restorations are required. In as little as 2 weeks, the Lumineers are fabricated and a second appointment is made to have them bonded onto the teeth. One or two check-up visits may be necessary to do any final adjusting. Lumineers have a 5 year warranty against chipping or breakage and clinical studies have shown they can last over 20 years.  

Only a dentist can determine if Lumineers are the right choice for your smile.

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9:00 am-7:00 pm


7:00 am-2:00 pm


7:00 am-2:00 pm


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