
Understanding Eczema

Dr. Gilberto Alvarez del Manzano is recognized for his expertise in treating children. Dr. Alvarez del Manzano’s goal is to provide a warm and safe environment for our youngest patients. Some of the more common conditions we treat include the following.


Atopic dermatitis, a form of eczema, is a chronic skin disorder that causes dry, itchy skin and often results in a red rash. It is most common in babies and children, and tends to affect those with a family history of allergies and asthma, although the actual cause is unknown. Although atopic dermatitis cannot be cured, it can usually be treated and controlled simply through using moisturizing lotions, avoiding harsh soaps, and controlling scratching. Our dermatologists will discuss with you proper skin care and prescribe medications for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Treatment is important because it relieves symptoms of discomfort and prevents secondary skin infections that can result from scratching.


Eczema Tribeca, NY

Birthmarks can be present at birth or appear shortly after birth. Pigmented birthmarks range in their size and color, from small tan “cafe au lait” spots to darker brown patches with hair. While most of these pigmented birthmarks are harmless, some need be monitored for their potential to evolve into skin cancer.

Birthmarks that are made up of blood vessels can look red, pink or purple. They can be flat against the skin or protrude as a soft reddish nodule. Infantile hemangiomas are the most common type of vascular birthmarks. They typically present at birth or shortly after birth and grow very rapidly during the first six months of life. These birthmarks should be monitored due to their rapid growth. During their rapid growth phase, infantile hemangiomas can sometimes bleed and/or press against underlying structures. Our doctors can discuss appropriate treatment options, depending on the type of birthmarks, location, size and severity.


Eczema refers to a group of inflamed skin conditions that cause chronic, relapsing, itchy rashes. Different types of eczema include:

  • atopic dermatitis
  • contact dermatitis
  • dyshidrotic eczmea
  • nummular eczema

Eczema is common in children and often runs in the family. Children with eczema may develop asthma or hay fever as well. Eczema in infants is common, especially during the winter, and often presents itself as dry scaly patches on the cheeks and scalp, resulting in crusting and oozing. In older children and adults, the rash is more commonly seen on the inside of the knees and elbows, as well as the neck, hands, and feet. Infants and children often outgrow their eczema as they reach adulthood.

Periodic flares or worsening of eczema may occur. Things which may worsen eczema include: dry skin, contact with fragrances or rough materials, allergies, illnesses and stress. Skin care at home is of primary importance in the management of eczema. Treatment includes anti-inflammatory products to reduce itching and alleviate symptoms.


Eczema Tribeca, NY

Rashes are common in children. They may or may not itch. Exposure to vaccines, infections, foods and medications can all lead to various changes in skin color and texture. Children with atopic eczema are more likely to present with rashes that are itchy and scaly.

While most rashes go away on their own, those that persist or cause significant itching or discomfort should be evaluated by a dermatologist. Rashes that cause blisters or wet weepy skin need to be evaluated immediately for signs of skin infection.


Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a skin virus and appears as painless white bumps on the skin. This condition is common in children. The bumps can appear anywhere on the body, most commonly the trunk and extremities. Molluscum is spread via skin-to-skin contact and may be worsened by scratching. Some children have a few lesions, while others have numerous bumps all over their body.

Patients can expect their molluscum to last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. If lesions are itchy or spreading, treatment can be provided. Our doctors will discuss treatment options, including medications that can be applied and procedures to remove the molluscum.


Warts are skin growths caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). While there exist many strains of HPV, the ones that cause common warts (typically found on the hands and feet) are very different from the strains that cause genital warts. Different warts respond to different treatments, and some go away on their own. Because they can cause pain, discomfort and be unsightly, warts can be treated using various methods. Over-the-counter salicylic acid products are a good place to start as a self-treatment. Others can be removed via liquid nitrogen, acids, or electrodessication. Surgery may be recommended for painful or large warts that do not respond to these treatments.

Are you seeking eczema treatment?
Call Downtown Dermatology at 212-233-2995 to make an appointment! 

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10:00 am-5:30 pm


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10:00 am-4:30 pm




10:00 am-4:30 pm


9:30 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm



