Replace Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

In an ideal world, teeth would last a lifetime. But life happens along the way. Accidents, age, and a myriad of factors--some out of our control--can lead to an incomplete smile. But with modern dental procedures, you have options. Including dental implants. Contact Drs. Sangyoung Lee, Samantha Lee, and Grant Greif of Elkhart Dental Center in Elkhart, IN, to explore your own.

How Do They Work?

Dental implants consist of titanium posts that are implanted into the jawbone and serve as replacement roots for your new teeth.

Sometimes, bone grafting may be required, which must heal before the posts can be implanted. This means the additional healing time before you are fitted with a new crown. All of this makes for a secure, strong, long-lasting bond.

You Have Options

Bridgework and dentures are traditional means of replacing teeth. They are the ones most people are familiar with.

Dental implants can replace a single tooth without needing to be supported by, or impacting, adjacent teeth, unlike a bridge. Fully healed, your new tooth will act and feel like a natural one.

They are also used to replace multiple teeth at once and are supported by fewer posts. Speak with your Elkhart implant dentist to find out more about these options.

Similarly, an implant-supported denture can be secured to the implanted posts. But unlike a conventional removable one, it offers a more secure fit.

Choose Dental Implants

Dental implants can be a life long solution if given proper care.

Avoid smoking, and tobacco products in general, which can delay healing, and lead to possible implant failure. Don't chew hard foods, such as hard candy and ice, which can also damage your natural teeth.

As always, it's also important to maintain good oral hygiene and habits, including regular visits with your dentist. Call Drs. Sangyoung Lee, Samantha Lee, and Grant Greif in Elkhart, IN, at (574) 522-0156 to find out if implants are right for you. Elkhart Dental Center is here for your needs.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:45 am-5:00 pm


7:45 am-5:00 pm


8:45 am-5:00 pm


7:45 am-6:00 pm


7:45 am-1:00 pm



