Treating Your Gum Disease

Do you have signs of gum disease? At Elkhart Dental Center, your family dentists, Drs. Sangyoung Lee, Samantha Lee, and Grant Greif, check their patients for this damaging oral health problem. If you live in the Elkhart, IN, area, count on this caring team to make your gums--and your systemic health--flourish.

The source of gum problems

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that almost 48 percent of adults age 30 and older have some degree of gum disease. Also called periodontitis, gum disease begins in oral bacteria contained in food residues--plaque and tartar which accumulates at and below the gum line. In fact, Harvard Health reports that our mouths contain about 700 different kinds of problematic germs.

Even though brushing and flossing reduce these biofilms, no one can remove them all. That's why your family dentists in Elkhart, IN, advise six-month check-ups and cleanings at Elkhart Dental Center. A professional cleaning scales your teeth, and your dentist inspects your mouth for signs of gum disease. As needed, he or she will put you on a treatment plan to improve your gum health and maintain it.

Why are healthy gums so important? Healthy gums support your teeth and bone structure. They form little collars around each tooth and actually contribute to your smile appearance.

Signs of gum disease

Gum disease varies in severity. Signs of mild gum disease (gingivitis) may be barely noticeable at first, but over time, symptoms escalate to include:

  • Bad breath which does not improve with mouth wash, dietary changes or brushing and flossing
  • Deep gum pockets (the spaces between your teeth and gums)
  • Gum tenderness, redness and swelling
  • Bleeding when you brush, floss or eat
  • Pus under the gums and between the teeth
  • Recessed gum tissue
  • Tooth mobility
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Noticeable tooth roots

Treating your gum disease

Your treatment plan will be customized to your particular needs. Mild gingivitis usually responds well to more disciplined brushing and flossing at home as well as a thorough professional cleaning.

If your gum problems are more advanced, you may benefit from root planing which smooths root surfaces so your gums can heal and re-attach to your teeth. Antibiotic therapy (Arestin and ATRIDOX) treats gum pockets and heals the infection.

Finally, your family dentist will put you on a periodontal maintenance program to monitor your symptoms, scale your teeth and help you achieve your best gum health.

Find out more

You can win over gum disease. At Elkhart Dental Center, Drs. Sangyoung Lee, Samantha Lee, and Grant Greif are the go-to family dentists for the best periodontal care in Elkhart, IN. Call us today for an appointment: (574) 522-0156.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:45 am-5:00 pm


7:45 am-5:00 pm


8:45 am-5:00 pm


7:45 am-6:00 pm


7:45 am-1:00 pm



