Reasons You Might Need A Dental Crown

A dental crown is a cap made of porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal. It's mainly used to cover and protect a damaged tooth. Your Elkhart, IN, family dentists, Dr. Sangyoung Lee, Dr. Samantha Lee, and Dr. Grant Greif of Elkhart Dental Center will help you improve your smile with dental crowns.

Tooth damage will affect your smile and cause your tooth to lose its shape and size. It may occur due to tooth decay, gum disease, or injury. When there is a remaining structure from the damaged tooth, a dental crown can restore its shape and function by completely covering it.

Why would you need a dental crown?

For many dental conditions, the best treatment option is dental crowns. The following are some reasons you may need a crown:

  • To protect a weak tooth after tooth decay or root canal treatment
  • To restore a weak tooth that is severely worn-down or broken
  • To hold dental bridges in place
  • To cover a misshapen or discolored tooth
  • To cover a dental implant

Dental crowns procedure

Typically, you will need two appointments to get your crowns. The first appointment is just for examination and preparation. Your Elkhart, IN, family dentists will examine your mouth using x-rays, checking for any decay and infections. After that, your dentist will start shaping your tooth to fit inside the crown. The tooth will either be drilled or filled to give it a uniform shape. When your tooth is prepared, the dentist will take an impression of your mouth and send it to a dental lab to fabricate your crown. You will receive a temporary crown to protect your tooth until the next appointment.

Once the crown is ready, you have to book another appointment to check its fit and color. Then your dentist will cement it onto the prepared tooth.

Caring for your crowns 

Dental crowns don’t require any special care. You should only maintain your oral hygiene practices by brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Also, try to avoid biting or chewing hard particles.

Don’t hesitate to contact your Elkhart, IN, family dentists, Dr. Sangyoung Lee, Dr. Samantha Lee, and Dr. Greif of Elkhart Dental Center to complete your smile with crowns. Call (574) 522-0156 and book your appointment now.

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7:45 am-5:00 pm


8:45 am-5:00 pm


7:45 am-6:00 pm


7:45 am-1:00 pm



