Cosmetic Contouring

Elkhart cosmetic contouring While "cosmetic contouring" may sound a little intimidating, it's actually one of the most basic cosmetic procedures available. We tend to think of adding material to our teeth to makeover a smile. Sometimes, removing some of the teeth is just as effective. Cosmetic contouring reshapes the surfaces of teeth to change their overall appearance. Dr. Lee will be able to dramatically change your smile with some simple tweaks and shaping. Better yet, cosmetic contouring may be completed within the space of a single visit.

Transforming a Smile by Reshaping Teeth

The "smile line," the curve where your upper and lower teeth meet, is an integral part of your smile, and overlong or jutting teeth can make it less pleasing. Gently shaping the tops of your teeth will improve that line's continuity and put the finishing touches on your smile. It may not seem like a significant treatment, but the subtlest changes are often the most impressive. If there’s something about your teeth that has been bothering you, it may be resolved with just one contouring appointment.

Our cosmetic dental work never compromises dental function. If we reshape your teeth, we’ll do so without weakening the area. Should your aesthetic concern require further tooth reduction than we’d like, we will rebuild the area with bonding, veneers, or crowns to leave it both beautiful and strong.

Am I a candidate for tooth contouring?

Only your cosmetic dentist will be able to decide whether cosmetic contouring is the right treatment choice. If you’ve been frustrated by the length or shape of your teeth in the past, there’s a chance that contouring will help resolve the problem. Determining your candidacy requires a consultation with Dr. Lee and our staff. Don’t hesitate to pursue your ideal smile, especially when treatment could be simple: call us today!

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8:45 am-5:00 pm


7:45 am-5:00 pm


8:45 am-5:00 pm


7:45 am-6:00 pm


7:45 am-1:00 pm



