Laser For Toenail Fungus


Dr. Miller-Khawam is a specialist in treating toenail fungus, including the state-of-the-art laser treatment of toenail fungus.  The procedure is quick, done in the office.  It is virtually painless, and is an alternative to oral medication.  There is no downtime from your regular activities, and is safe and effective in treating the toenail fungus.  The laser is a Cutera GenesisPlus Nd:YAG laser.  We have excellent results.  Only one treatment is needed!  However, if you become re-infected, you may need to be relasered.

Why patients choose our office for laser treatment of fungal toenails:

This laser is FDA-cleared, and it works.  There are many other lasers being used to treat toenail fungus, and some of them have failed FDA clearance several times!  Don’t waste your money on lasers that don’t work. This laser is the state-of-the-art technology.

We take the time to listen to your complaints, examine your feet in detail, and involve you in the treatment process.  We perform the laser treatment in the office, and will monitor your progress as your nails grow out.

Will all toenails be treated?

No, we only treat the affected toenails.  After laser treatment, the toenails infected with fungus start growing out, and look normal.   Keep the nails THICK and LONG prior to the laser treatment.

How does the laser work?

The laser has a light that penetrates deep through the toenail and into the deep skin and surrounding tissues.  This laser light kills fungus, without damaging the skin.

Is the treatment effective?

Yes, the laser does work.   Most people need only one laser treatment.  After the one treatment, the toenail grows out, and the new toenail appears normal and healthy.  Sometimes a second treatment is needed if the toenail is severely infected, but this is rare.  We work with you as the nails grow out to prevent re-infection.

Is the laser painful?

No.  The laser creates a warming sensation, which is not painful.  No anesthesia is required, no injections are needed.  Some patients do feel temporary discomfort or pain if the nails are short and thin.  The best analogy is the feeling of a hairdryer getting too close to the skin, it gets hot, then the hot feeling goes right away.

Is the laser safe?

Yes, clinical studies have demonstrated no adverse events, problems, injuries, side effects, or disabilities caused by the laser treatment.  There are no risks to the heart, liver or kidneys, which are major concerns with oral treatment antifungals.

Is there a recovery period?

No.  The treatment does not harm you at all.  You can put on your shoes and return to your regular activities after the laser treatment.

How long does the treatment take?

Depending upon the size and involvement of the toenail fungus, the treatments take from 15 minutes to 35 minutes.  If the toenails are very thick, they are thinned down prior to treatment to a normal nail thickness with specialized equipment.  The laser light is applied to the toenails for only a few minutes.

Can I apply toenail polish immediately after treatment?

We recommend that you wait 24 hours to evaluate for problems following the nail laser treatment.  There have been no adverse effects, and no problems have been noted during that 24 hour period so far, however we want to be cautious.  We advise against using toenail polish, as the fungus thrives underneath the polish.  We have antifungal toenail polish in our office which can be used while the nails are growing out, or to help prevent reinfection once your toenails have been treated.

What is expected after the laser treatment?

The fungal infection is expected to improve with just one treatment.  Clinical trials have demonstrated 88% effectiveness with significant improvement.  A 100% guarantee is not possible, as with all medical procedures.  Since fungus is present in our environment, reinfection can occur.  After the laser treatment, we give you a comprehensive prevention plan so you prevent reinfection as the nails grow out.

Does my insurance cover the laser treatments?

Your initial office evaluation, debridement of the toenails, and follow-up visits will be billed to your insurance company.  The laser is considered to be a cosmetic procedure, and insurance companies do not cover the cost.  Our office accepts major credit cards, money orders, and bank certified checks.

What does the laser procedure cost?

We have the best priced laser.  Not only is it the most affordable, it is the latest, cutting edge technology, and FDA cleared. In the Los Angeles/Beverly Hills area, the costs are $1000 per treatment (plus office visit and debridement of the toenails).  We charge the office visit, debridement of the nails, and $200 for the first toenail, $ 100 for each subsequent toenail, up to $900 for all ten toenails.


We have added a medi-spa to our office, which consists of a sterile pedicure under the supervision of our podiatrist.  Everything is either disposable or sterilized with the Cidex cold sterilization followed by autoclave sterilization.  Now you can have pedicures after your fungal infection is cleared, with no chance of getting infections.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



