What You Need To Know About Adult ADHD

Strategic Psychological Services, your Warwick, RI, therapists, are here to support patients of all ages struggling with ADHD.

Adults diagnosed with ADHD (or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have a lot of obstacles to face every day. They often struggle to complete tasks and are easily distracted, which can cause a lot of stress. They may appear forgetful or scattered. Left untreated, this affects everything from work to social interactions and your personal life. Because of these symptoms and more, ADHD can be heavily intertwined with depression and anxiety.

There are three types of ADHD; inattentive type, hyperactive type, and the combined type. With age, hyperactivity can subside and inattention remains. We often associate hyperactivity with children, but even if an adult has never been hyperactive they could still have ADHD. Every adult with ADHD also had the disorder as a child. Diagnosing an adult is done by a thorough evaluation. ADHD can run in families and family history is also considered.

Everyone with ADHD experiences it differently, so symptoms vary. The most common issues are trouble with focusing and motivation. Just some of the other common symptoms are:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Impulsiveness
  • Mood swings
  • Low self-esteem
  • Forgetfulness

If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, there are methods to help you manage symptoms like medication and counseling. Strategic Psychological Services in Warwick, RI, offers counseling and teletherapy services. Your therapist can help you cope with the negative symptoms and form positive habits. There are several types of ADHD medication and finding the best one for you may take trial and error.

Keeping up with your everyday responsibilities can be a struggle when you have ADHD, but there are also good habits that can help tremendously with the symptoms. Adults with ADHD benefit from organization and forming good time management habits. Regular exercise and healthy sleep habits help to manage stress and other symptoms.

If you are struggling with ADHD, Strategic Psychological Services is here for you in Warwick, RI. Contact us at (401) 785-0040.

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