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7180 E Orchard Rd, Ste 100

Centennial, CO 80111-1725 US



Good Foot Health & Hygiene

It's time to become acquainted with your feet. Are you aware of the services available today to keep your feet healthy and happy? Most people routinely get their health check by their primary care physician or get their teeth checked by their dentist. Far too often we forget about our feet. Did you ever stop to think what your feet do for you? Your feet go to work as soon as you get out of bed and don't stop working until you go back to bed. Your feet take you everywhere you need to go. In the United States, 80% or more of the people, will suffer from feet or foot ailments sometime during their life. Long standing sore feet can cause significant disruptions to all aspects of a persons' life. Be conscious of what your feet do for you. Recognize the warnings signs of tired, aching feet, ankles and legs and consult Dr. Joseph E. Mechanik, a dual Board Certified Podiatrist.

Good Foot Health & Hygiene

Joseph E. Mechanik, DPM, Centennial Podiatrist

  1. Shoes
    1. Wear properly sized shoes and wear the right shoes for the right activity.
    2. Don't wear the same pair of shoes two days in succession.
    3. ~Every 2 months, disinfect all shoes with Lysol spray or our product, Clarus Shoe Spray, physician strength, fights bacteria, fungus, yeast, and viruses.
    4. Replace your heavily worn shoes every 3-4 months.  
    5. Use prescription orthotics, as prescribed by Dr. Mechanik.
  2. Wash your feet at least once a day with anti-bacterial soap.
    1. Dry your feet thoroughly.
  3. Don't needlessly get your feet wet from water.
    1. Don't let your feet stay wet for extended periods of time from water or perspiration.
    2. Change socks at least once a day, twice a day if you are harder on your feet.
    3. Don't let your feet stay wet for extended periods of time from water or perspiration.
  4. Try and wear socks at all times.
  5. Never go barefoot in any public restrooms, locker rooms, etc. as this could re/infect your feet and/or others.
  6. Disinfect all areas of your house (Lysol or our Clarus Shoe Spray) where you commonly put your feet in bare contact, ~every 2 months.
    1. i.e., spray on the side of your bed, in front of your vanity, and bedroom closet.
  7. Cut your toenails straight across and no shorter than the flesh of your toes. 
    1. Stay OUT of the corners of your toenails. 
    2. Don't be a bathroom surgeon.
  8. When you exercise, remember to stretch and limber up your feet and leg muscles, tendons and bones.
  9. Examine your feet and your children's feet at frequent intervals to guard against foot ailments.
  10. Foot, ankle or lower leg pain lasting longer than 10 days is not normal and you should schedule a consultation with our office.
    1. Early Intervention is Key.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Primary Location


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm



