Bunions: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention Strategies by Podiatrists

Bunions are a common foot deformity characterized by a bony bump at the base of the big toe on the side of the foot. This condition can cause significant pain and discomfort, making it a prevalent concern for many individuals. It's important to understand the causes, available treatments, and prevention strategies so that you can manage this condition effectively. Your podiatrists at The Foot & Ankle Group in Mount Laurel, Bordentown, and Columbus, NJ, and Philadelphia, PA, can explain how to deal with bunions and how your podiatrist can help with treatment strategies.

Managing Your Bunions

It’s important to talk to your podiatrists in Mount Laurel, Bordentown, and Columbus, NJ, and Philadelphia, PA, so that you can understand what causes bunions, how they can be treated, and how they can be prevented from worsening in the first place.

Bunions develop due to various factors, often involving a combination of genetics, foot structure, and external pressures. Common causes include:

  • Genetics
  • Wearing tight, narrow, or high-heeled shoes
  • Trauma or injuries
  • Certain medical conditions

When it comes to treating your bunions, your podiatrist will first recommend non-surgical methods. Treatment will focus on easing any pain and irritation that you might deal with. This could include wearing proper footwear, using orthotic devices, and padding and taping the bunion to reduce friction and irritation. Other treatments, like anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy, can also help you manage symptoms. If non-surgical treatments fail to provide relief, your podiatrists may recommend surgery.

While there isn’t a way to completely prevent bunions from occurring, there are ways to prevent them from worsening. This includes wearing properly fitting shoes, performing foot exercises, and managing a healthy weight.

Contact Our Podiatrist Today

Find out how you can live with bunions. Contact your podiatrists at The Foot & Ankle Group in Mount Laurel, Bordentown, and Columbus, NJ, and Philadelphia, PA, to learn more about how your podiatrist can help manage your bunions. Call for more information today at (856) 234-0195 for the office in Mount Laurel. NJ, (609) 291-0960 for the office in Bordentown, NJ, (609) 298-7000 for the office in Columbus, NJ, and (215) 332-5300 for the office in Philadelphia, PA.