Traditional vs. Clear braces – Which way do I go?

Looking beautiful is something that most people desire. Right or wrong, we are judged based on our looks. More specifically, we are judged by our smiles. Those with crooked or misaligned teeth are usually self-conscious about their smile and very aware of its flaws at all times. People with tooth problems are reluctant to be in social situations and apprehensive when it comes to meeting new people.

Many tooth problems can be easily treated with braces, but the patient may be apprehensive and self-conscious with the idea of wearing braces. For some, they cannot see beyond the 18 months of metal mouth and, as a result, never seek orthodontic treatment.

Now patients have the option of clear braces. Clear braces are made out of a mixture of plastic and metal, where the metal component is not visible. Clear braces are an excellent alternative to traditional metal braces for several reasons. First is the obvious reason, metal braces are unsightly. Most adults can recall wearing bulky metal braces in their youth. Clear braces are just that, clear. The wire is clear as well. With clear braces, there is no chance of staining from the cement that is used with traditional metal braces.

Another great advantage to clear braces is that they are very comfortable. Unlike metal braces, clear braces do not have sharp edges that need to be softened with brace wax. Clear braces require the same amount of cleaning and visits to the orthodontist as metal braces do. They are also just as effective and just as strong as traditional metal braces.

Another type of clear braces is the Invisalign® system. Invisalign ® is a new orthodontic treatment system that works to straighten teeth with a series of clear plastic molds (aligners). This is a great alternative to traditional braces and a good option for teens that are involved with contact sports or play musical instruments because the trays can easily be removed when necessary. The trays are also removed during meals, which makes eating a much more pleasant activity over traditional metal braces that tend to trap food.

If you know that you need braces, consider choosing a clear option over metal. It will make your transition to a more beautiful smile more bearable without metal braces to contend with. Your orthodontist can tell you if you are a candidate for clear braces or Invisalign ®. Take the next step to a beautiful smile today!

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