Rhinology/Sinus Disease

Rhinology Sinus DiseaseA subspecialty of Otolaryngology involving the nasal cavity and sinuses is called Rhinology. Our specialists can diagnose, manage and treat these types of disorders, whether caused by allergies, sinus infections or advanced tumors in the sinus cavity. In cases where medications don't help certain conditions, an in-office procedure or surgery may need to be performed. Some examples of the types of procedures/surgeries we preform are as follows: 


Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct defects or deformities of the septum. The nasal septum is the separation between the two nostrils. In adults, it is composed of both cartilage and bone. The nasal septum has three functions: support the nose, regulate air flow, and support the mucous membranes of the nose. A number of medical conditions may indicate a need for the procedure including nasal air passage obstruction, a deviated septum, tumors, chronic and uncontrolled nosebleeds, or the presence of polyps, etc. Additionally, a septoplasty may be performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty in order to ensure that the reshaping of the nose does not result in a reduction of the amount of breathing space.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

When medication has been deemed ineffective in improving or curing chronic sinusitis, endoscopic sinus surgery may be recommended. During surgery, an endoscope allows the physician to see deep inside the sinuses to navigate in the removal of bone, tissue and/or growth polyps of the mucous membrane. 

Endoscopic sinus surgery may also be performed to treat sinus tumors depending on the type, size and severity of the lesion. It often involves surgical resection of the tumor, which can be performed using endoscopic or open surgical techniques. 

Balloon Sinus Surgery

Balloon sinus surgery is a type of endoscopic surgery where balloon catheters are used to dilate the openings of major nasal sinuses to be cleared and drained. When medication has been deemed ineffective in improving or curing chronic sinusitis, this type of endoscopic surgery may be recommended.


Treatment for nasal polyps is often provided through medications that can reduce the size of the polyp or even eliminate it.  Medication may be in the form of pills, nasal sprays or allergy shots.  Surgery may be required to remove the polyp if medication is unsuccessful, and may include a polypectomy or endoscopic sinus surgery to either suction out the polyp or remove it carefully with tiny instruments. 

Turbinate Reduction 

A turbinate reduction is an effective treatment that painlessly removes the tissue that causes nasal obstruction with radiofrequency technology. Patients who suffer from nasal obstruction have enlarged turbinates that affect their breathing and block the nasal passage. This procedure can also be used to treat chronic nasal congestion, facial pressure and nasal drainage.

Skull Base Surgery

The roof of the nasal cavity and some of the sinuses form the base of the cranium. There are various growths and conditions that may be treated by skull base surgery of the sinuses, such as the removal of both noncancerous or cancerous tumors. 

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San Clemente - Mission Viejo - Laguna Hills - Irvine - Costa Mesa

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