Role of Support Systems in VBAC

Role of Support Systems in VBAC

Expanding your family comes with many considerations. In addition to monitoring the health of the growing fetus, an expectant mother and her doctor must decide on the best way to deliver the child. The doctors and support staff at Advanced Women's Healthcare are here for you when you elect VBAC in Bloomington, IL.

What Is VBAC?

This term stands for Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. In other words, an expectant mother, who has previously had a cesarean section, may opt to choose a vaginal birth for her current pregnancy. There are many considerations related to this type of birth. Being approved for this type of delivery depends on the type of incision made at the previous cesarean. Before approving VBAC in Bloomington, IL, doctors also consider why a cesarean birth happened before and evaluate the health of the expectant mother. If the mother is over 35, this option may no longer be considered safe.

This option is also associated with lower maternal morbidity compared to getting a repeat cesarean. Plus, it reduces the likelihood of another scar, allowing the existing one to heal or fade. If the mother decides to get pregnant again, successful VBACs reduce the overall risk of complications in the existing and future pregnancies.

What Does Support Matter?

Going into any pregnancy is an emotional time for an expectant parent. After all, an expectant mother must deal with the health of her growing fetus and maintain her health. That's why having a strong support network during a VBAC is essential. Support includes but goes beyond people in her personal life, as having a supportive healthcare provider can give her peace of mind and provide proper guidance during this time.

The support can increase the chances of the procedure being successful. After all, before and during vaginal delivery, the mother must have comforting measures to relax her body and mind. Support also means providing adequate information so she understands that she's making the right decision for her body and the possibility of future pregnancies. She should fully understand the difference between what her delivery will be like and what her delivery will be like compared to the cesarean. 

Massage therapy for pregnant women and lessons in breathing techniques can help the mother. Doctors should also discuss pain relief methods at her disposal during delivery.

The Advanced Women's Healthcare medical team can provide the support and professional care any mother needs while making this decision. Your doctors will provide all the information and hands-on care you need for a successful VBAC in Bloomington, IL. For more information about the process, call us at (309) 808-3068.