Contraception Methods: Effectiveness and Tips

Contraception Methods: Effectiveness and Tips

Birth control is something that most women deal with from their first period to their last. It is a personal decision, and having an OBGYN who makes you feel comfortable and non-judgmental is essential. Getting accurate contraception information is vital for choosing the method that works best for you. At Advanced Women's Healthcare in Bloomington, IL, we are here to provide the support and information you need.


Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are small plastic devices that are inserted into the uterus. They are 99% effective and come in two types: hormonal and copper. The hormonal IUD releases hormones that prevent pregnancy and is effective for 3 to 8 years, depending on the type. The copper IUD, on the other hand, does not use hormones and can prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years. Once the IUD is in place, there is nothing more you need to do or remember, which makes it a popular option. If you decide you want to get pregnant, the IUD can be easily removed.

Hormonal Methods

Hormonal contraception works by preventing the ovaries from releasing an egg each month. Without an egg, fertilization cannot occur. Several hormonal options are available, each with different effectiveness rates:

  • Birth control implant: 99% effective
  • Birth control shot: 96% effective
  • Birth control vaginal ring: 93% effective
  • Birth control pill: 93% effective
  • Birth control patch: 93% effective

Talk to your doctor about which hormonal contraception method in Bloomington, IL is the best fit for you.


Condoms are less effective than other methods, with an effectiveness rate of 87%. However, they are the only form of contraception that also protects against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), making them a valuable option. Even if you use another form of birth control, you might consider having your partner use a condom to reduce the risk of STDs.


The diaphragm has decreased in popularity in recent years but remains an option for those seeking a hormone-free method. It is 83% effective and must be inserted into the vagina before intercourse, where it needs to stay for at least six hours after sex. It is used with spermicide to increase its effectiveness. If you are looking for a hormone-free option, the diaphragm may be a viable choice.


For those who have decided they do not want more children, sterilization is a permanent solution. Tubal ligation (getting your tubes tied) for women and vasectomy for men are both 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. It is crucial to consider sterilization as a permanent decision, so be sure to discuss it thoroughly with your healthcare provider.

Natural Family Planning

Natural family planning involves tracking your menstrual cycle to determine when you are most fertile and avoiding sex during those times, or using another form of contraception during your fertile window. This method is best for women with regular periods and is most effective when used correctly.

Contact Advanced Women's Healthcare in Bloomington, IL

For guidance on contraception decisions in Bloomington, IL, you can count on our dedicated team at Advanced Women's Healthcare. We are here to help you make the best choice for your lifestyle and needs. Call our office today at (309) 808-3068 to schedule an appointment.