• Spring Cleaning
    Just like that, it’s almost summertime. As the spring season ends, perhaps these lighter, brighter days are inspiring you to do a bit of last-minute spring cleaning. Or perhaps they’re Read more
  • Solutions for Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)
    Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is a common side effect of many medications. It can also be a side effect of cancer treatments, or the result of certain auto-immune diseases. the Read more
  • Diet Soda vs. Regular Soda: Which is better for teeth?
    When most patients ask the doctor this question, they're thinking strictly about sugar content — cut out the bacteria-feeding sugar that's present in regular soda by opting for a diet Read more
  • Earth Day
    The idea for Earth Day was the brainchild of Gaylord Nelson, a senator from Wisconsin. He envisioned an Earth Day that would be a kind of environmental teach-in. The first Read more
  • Taking Charge of Your Dental Health
    Now that you’re a teenager, you have a lot more responsibility and independence. Choosing high school classes and electives. Getting a driver’s license. Landing your first job. And those new Read more
  • Snowball Effect
    Winter and its snowball fights are behind us, true, but there might be another kind of snowball heading your way—the snowball effect you risk when small dental concerns are ignored Read more
  • Dental Visits Are Not So Bad
    Many people dread going to the dentist. Dental visits have the reputation of being painful and uncomfortable, and it is common for people to compare unfortunate situations such as having Read more
  • Cleaning Your Teeth—Time for a Refresher Course!
    Let’s face it, by now, brushing our teeth is something we pretty much do on auto-pilot. A quick brush after breakfast, a minute or so at night, floss when we Read more
  • St. Patrick's Day
    On March 17, everyone has a little Irish in them. St. Patrick’s Day is a joyous celebration of Irish heritage. The holiday originated as a commemoration of Saint Patrick, who Read more
  • March is National Nutrition Month!
    While you don’t have to wait to start eating right, March is the month the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics asks everyone to pay special attention to what goes into Read more
  • Symptoms That Could Mean You Need a Root Canal
    Every tooth packs a lot of layers in a very small area. The outer, visible part of our tooth, the crown, is covered in protective enamel, and the lower root Read more
  • How much calcium does my child need?
    When you were a kid, your parents may have told you to drink milk to build strong bones and grow tall and strong. Now that you have children of your Read more
  • The Origins of Valentine's Day
    When we think of Valentine’s Day, we think of cards, flowers, and chocolates. We think of girlfriends celebrating being single together and couples celebrating their relationship. We think of all Read more
  • What did the first dentures look like?
    Remember hearing about George Washington and his wooden choppers? Not his tools for cutting down cherry trees, but his false teeth. Actually, George’s teeth were made of ivory but were so Read more
  • What is a root canal?
    A root canal entails the removal of the nerve supply from a tooth. If you know the purpose of a root canal, the process may seem a little less intimidating. the Read more
  • How to get Brighter Teeth for Life
    Have you ever wondered why some people have dull and yellow teeth, while others have bright, white smiles? It’s not luck. Everyone’s teeth naturally dull over time because of aging and Read more

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