Invisalign FAQs

Have you been curious about getting invisible braces?

You never thought that you would be considering braces as an adult but here you are. You are tired of that gap between your teeth or having a slightly crooked smile that makes you feel self-conscious. Our Arlington, TX, dentist Dr. Joseph Reed understands. He also knows that most teens and adults are looking for the least life-altering and most discreet ways to straighten smiles. Have questions about Invisalign? Here’s what you should know,

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is a unique orthodontic system that helps to correct crooked or misaligned teeth through clear, thermoplastic aligners. Each aligner is uniquely designed to each person, ensuring that these transparent trays apply just the right amount of pressure to certain areas of a tooth, as well as certain teeth, in order to gradually shift teeth into the ideal position.

What problems does Invisalign fix?

Invisalign can handle a variety of dental problems including,

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crowding
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crossbites
  • Open bites

If you are dealing with misaligned teeth or jaws, chances are good that Invisalign can help.

How often do I need to wear my aligners?

In order to see results, you need to wear your Invisalign aligners as much as possible each and every day. While you should remove them before eating or brushing and flossing your teeth, the rest of the time you should keep them in. This will equate to wearing them about 20-22 hours out of the day. The more you wear them the faster you’ll achieve results.

Do I have to avoid certain foods with Invisalign?

You’ve probably heard that people have to change their diets when wearing braces; however, this doesn’t apply to Invisalign. Since the aligners are removable this means that you can simply pop them out prior to eating. You don’t have to worry about chewy or hard foods damaging your aligners since you won’t be wearing them. Just don’t forget to brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in.

How often do I need to see a dentist?

Our Arlington, TX, general dentist will be monitoring your Invisalign treatment every step of the way to ensure that everything is going according to your treatment plan and that any questions or concerns are also addressed immediately. You will come to our office every six weeks for a check-up.


If you are ready to talk with our Arlington, TX, family dentist about Invisalign then call Arlington Dental today at (817) 303-5700 to schedule a consultation for you or your teen.