Tooth Extractions and Oral Surgery

Why Do you need to have a tooth extracted?

In Arlington Texas Dr. Joseph Reed believes that all people should visit the dentist at least every six-months to keep their teeth healthy. Sometimes, people avoid the dentist and end up with an infection or a tooth that cannot be treated with Root Canal Therapy. In this case, a tooth extraction is necessary. Other times, people need to have teeth extracted because their teeth are crowded and they do not have room for their other teeth.

What to expect when a tooth is extracted

When Dr. Joseph Reed in Arlington Dental performs the extraction you should expect that you will feel a lot of pressure, here’s why.

The roots of your teeth are firmly planted in bone (its socket) and it is tightly bound into place in this socket by a ligament. During the extraction procedure Dr. Joseph Reed in Arlington Texas needs to expand the socket (widen and enlarge it) and separate the tooth from its ligament to a point where the tooth is loose and free to come out.

With his advanced skills in Oral Surgery Dr. Reed can apply firm pressure to a tooth, forcing it against one of the sides of its socket, the bone in that area will become compressed and the tooth will loosen and the ligament that holds the tooth in place will become detached from the tooth too. Finally at some point, enough space will have been created and the ligament separated from the tooth enough that the tooth will come out.

Dr. Joe Reed from Arlington has a variety of tools he use to manipulate and apply pressure to teeth. Some of them are specialized pliers termed “extraction forceps.” Dentists also use levers that are called “elevators” (they look somewhat similar to small screwdrivers). Usually a dentist will use an elevator first. These tools are intended to wedge between the tooth and the bone surrounding it. The force Dr. Joseph Reed in Arlington Texas applies to the elevator in turn places pressure on the tooth. This action on the tooth helps to expand its socket and separate its ligament. It’s somewhat common that a tooth can be extracted with just the use of an elevator.

Understanding Dr. Joseph Reed in Arlington Texas’s use of extraction forceps is more straightforward. Dr. Joseph Reed in Arlington Texas will grasp the tooth with the forceps and then firmly and deliberately rock the tooth back and forth. They will also rotate the tooth as much as it will. The combination of these tooth movements expands the tooth’s socket and separates its ligament.

Why you will feel pressure but don’t worry. If this is too much for your Dr. Reed offers IV sedation.

The reason you will feel pressure during the tooth extraction procedure is because our bodies have different types of nerve fibers, each of which carry different types of

sensations. Each of these different types of nerve fibers have different physical characteristics. The local anesthetic (“novocaine,” more actually usually lidocaine) that a dentist uses to “numb up” a tooth is very effective at inhibiting the function of nerve fibers that transmit pain sensations, but it doesn’t have as great an effect on the nerves that transmit pressure sensations.

So, expect to feel pressure during the tooth extraction procedure, even a whole lot of pressure, but don’t assume that this indicates that you will soon be feeling pain because it doesn’t. If you do find you feel pain (discomfort that has a sharpness to it) during the extraction procedure, you should let Dr. Reed know so they can “numb you up” some more. But more anesthetic will not reduce the pressure sensation you are experiencing.

You might hear some noises around you

It is possible that during a tooth’s removal you will hear some of the noises associated with the extraction procedure. As an example, patients are sometimes worried that they have heard a snap or breaking noise. In most cases the event that has produced this type of sound is just a minor issue, usually one of the tooth’s roots fracturing. Because this “complication” happens so frequently you can anticipate that Dr. Reed has had plenty of experience in removing broken tooth roots.

Sometime it is necessary to remove gum, bone or other tissue. Gum and/or bone tissue may cover over or surround a tooth in a manner that makes it difficult for Dr. Joseph Reed in Arlington Texas to view and/or access it. If so, Dr. Joseph Reed in Arlington Texas will need to reflect back or remove this tissue.

Sometimes Dr. Reed needs to section the tooth for extraction.

Sometimes a tooth is so firmly anchored in its socket, or else the tooth’s roots are so curved, that Dr. Joseph Reed in Arlington Texas can’t get the tooth’s socket expanded enough that it will come out. In this type of situation one of his tricks is to cut the tooth into pieces and then remove each portion individually.

Don’t be alarmed if Dr. Reed tells you that this technique is required. Sectioning teeth is very commonplace and can significantly reduce the amount of time and effort needed to remove a tooth.