Dental Implants

Dental Implant Dentist in Arlington, TX

Here at Arlington Dental, we understand just how important it is to have a smile that is not only beautiful but also strong and healthy. When tooth loss happens, it can affect your health, your appearance and your self-esteem. That’s why there is nothing more important than being able to restore your smile after tooth loss, and many adults living in and around Arlington, TX, are choosing to get dental implants.

Dental implants have become one of the most popular ways to replace missing teeth. That’s because this artificial tooth functions and feels exactly like the real thing. In fact, it is the next best thing to real teeth. The implant itself is a small metal post that functions like tooth roots. When a tooth is extracted or falls out, this tapered titanium post or screw can be placed directly into the jawbone where your tooth used to be.

For the next 3-6 months after the implant is placed into the jawbone, the bone and tissue will begin to heal around the implant. Since the implant is made from a biocompatible metal, this means that the mouth will treat the implant just like it would natural tissue or bone. The natural process of the jawbone and implant fusing together permanently is known as osseointegration and it’s a major reason why implants can last many of our patients the rest of their lives.

Implants offer some amazing and unique benefits including,

  • Restored functionality and chewing and biting strength
  • Improved speech
  • A full, beautiful smile with no gaps between teeth
  • Preventing natural teeth from drifting into these open gaps
  • Preserving the jawbone and preventing bone loss
  • Supporting the facial muscles and preventing premature lines and wrinkles
  • Easy to care for (doesn’t require special treatment)

While a single dental implant is used to replace a single missing tooth, you can also discuss getting multiple implants to replace several missing teeth. Even if you are a current denture wearer you could still benefit from getting dental implants. After all, implants can easily secure your current dentures on top to prevent them from moving around or shifting while talking, biting or chewing.

The process of getting dental implants can take several months but you won’t find another tooth replacement option that comes as close to real teeth as a dental implant. If you are an adult who is dealing with tooth loss please call Arlington Dental today at (817) 303-5700.

Dental Implants Arlington, TX

Frequently Asked Questions About Implants

Will The Implant Procedure Be Painful?

After having the implant placed in our Arlington Tx office most of our patient comment  “…that was much easier than I thought it would be!”  Dr. Reed makes sure that your mouth and the area is completely numb before he begins the surgery. IV sedation is also an option. After is many times compared to having a tooth removed.

How quickly you will heal depends upon your health and other diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, and cancer.  People with serious and chronic conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer take much longer to heal and might not be candidates for dental implants. Dr. Reed will always check with your Physician to make sure you are a candidate to have implants placed in our Arlington Dental Office. The worse habit piople can have in order to have implants is smoking. The cyanide in the cigarette smoke disables red blood cells from being able to carry oxigen to healing tissues. The nicotine in the smoke disables your immune system from being able to fight the bacteria that cause infections and gum disease.

Narcotics or Opioids are not often prescribed after this procedure because they are not necessary for the level of discomfort of a dental implant. The immediate post-operative pain or discomfort is most often handled by taking Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Motrin (Ibuprofen). Of course each case is evaluated by the doctor and the necessary pharmacological agents will be used.

Sometimes patients will experience swelling or bruising in the area but this normally resolves within a few days.

What Is The Cost Of Dental Implants?

Dental implants normally cost about the same as an all porcelain 3-unit bridge. You can actually see a saving on dental care in the future because missing teeth can lead to problems and fracture of your other teeth causing a cyclical effect of broken and missing teeth. The long-term cost of having an implant versus a bridge is much lower, since a bridge may need to be replaced every 7 -10 years. Your dental implant will most likely never need to be replaced! Your dental implant will also not need to involve the tooth in front and behind the empty spot, lessening the chance of complications or unforseen problems with those teeth. Allows you to use dental floss like any other of your teeth, the leading cause of the loss of a bridge is recurrent decay of the teeth that hold the bridge. It is much harder to floss under a bridge.

People of all ages need to eat and take pleasure in enjoying the foods that they love. Teeth are a luxury and an investment but ultimately, they are worth it! We all want to speak, eat and look like ourselves! Those are the things we loose when we loose our teeth. When we loose a tooth we loose between 30-70%!! of the bone that holds the tooth that day in the first 12 months. After that our face only shriks.

Dental implants do not cause any harm or damage to your other teeth. An all porcelain 3-unit bridge, when fabricated by the dentist needs to be made by preparing or grinding down the other teeth. When the other teeth do not need crowns, the procedure can take away healthy tooth structure and bring on unforeseen complications to these otherwise healthy teeth.

How Long Does It Take To Get Dental Implants?

Implants can be placed the same day you have your tooth extracted as long as you don't have a serious infection. We can place a crown in the spot with the  implant while you wait in our Arlington Tx dental facility. With a ESSEX appliance, we will keep you comfortable while you are waiting.

However, keep in mind that your bone takes time to heal. The implant needs to take its time to integrate into the bone to become stable; in order for the implant to be solid, it needs to heal. During this time you need to be very careful with chewing and eating.This may take several months but the healing process is vital to the success of your dental implant.

A bone graft, may be necessary if you don't have enough bone or if you have an infection that made some of your bone unhealthy. If you have a bone graft your implant will take more time to heal.

To learn more about dental implants in the Arlington, TX area or to schedule a consultation with our implant dentist, call Arlington Dental today at (817) 303-5700.