Show Off Your Best Possible Smile

How cosmetic dentistry from your dentist in Arlington can remake your smilecosmetic dentistry

Are you showing off your best smile, or do you have a few issues with how your smile looks? If you want to fix problems with your smile, you need to investigate cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Joseph Reed at Arlington Dental in Arlington, TX wants to introduce you to a few cosmetic dental procedures that can help you show off your best possible smile.

If you have a dull, yellowed, stained smile, consider a professional teeth whitening treatment. Unlike over-the-counter whitening products, professional teeth whitening can whiten your smile dramatically, up to 8 shades whiter! The results are long-lasting too, even up to 5 years! A professional teeth whitening treatment is quick, inexpensive, safe, and provides excellent results.

If you have small chips or cracks you can hide them with dental bonding. Dental bonding is a versatile treatment that can change the color and shape of teeth, giving you a more attractive smile. Dental bonding uses composite which can be matched perfectly to the color of your teeth. This means that your dental bonding will be virtually invisible to other people. It will look completely natural and beautiful.

If you have dental decay, consider tooth-colored fillings, which also use composite. Now it’s possible to have a strong filling that also enhances your smile. You don’t have to settle for old-school metal fillings, so ask for tooth-colored fillings instead!

If you want a dramatically beautiful smile, consider porcelain veneers, thin laminates of dazzling porcelain which are cemented onto the front surfaces of teeth. They can hide large cracks, chips, defects, and other cosmetic issues, making your smile look perfectly beautiful. They can even cosmetically change the alignment of your teeth, closing gaps and eliminating tooth overlap.

If you want to show off your best possible smile, consider cosmetic dental services or a complete smile makeover, which incorporates several services into your customized treatment plan. To find out more about cosmetic and restorative dental services call Dr. Reed at Arlington Dental in Arlington, TX today!