Dental Procedures To Improve Your Smile

Seeing your dentist to improve the appearance and function of your smile can result in being presented with countless options. This can dental proceduresmake choosing the best treatment options for you confusing and difficult. Understanding some common procedures beforehand can help you feel more prepared and make a more informed decision about your best options. Find out more with Dr. Joseph Reed at Arlington Dental in Arlington, TX.

What is Invisalign? 
Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment which straightens the teeth, treats under crowded and overcrowded teeth, and corrects bite issues like overbite or underbite. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign’s design uses clear, plastic aligner trays rather than metal brackets and wires. These trays, worn one after another until finishing the series, place gentle pressure on the teeth to move them into place. Invisalign is also removable, allowing you to brush and floss your teeth normally and eat the foods you love throughout treatment.

What are dental implants? 
Dental implants replace a missing tooth. However, unlike other tooth replacement options, implants also replace the tooth’s root. This important factor allows the implant to stand alone, without requiring the support of healthy natural teeth like a dental bridge. Implants can replace one missing tooth, a row of missing teeth, or even hold a full, permanent denture in place. Thanks to their versatility, implants can benefit many patients in various different situations.

How can these procedures work together to makeover my smile? 
Combining Invisalign with dental implants is a surefire way to completely overhaul your smile. Normally, you will need to complete the Invisalign treatment before your dentist places a dental implant. This will allow you to straighten your smile and correct your bite, then fill in the gaps with implants.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Arlington, TX 
Cosmetic dentistry is an important branch of dentistry aimed at making you feel great about the way you look. Many cosmetic procedures, such as Invisalign and dental implants, help increase the functionality of your smile as well, killing two birds with one stone. However, a good candidate for any cosmetic dentistry procedure should be free of tooth decay and gum disease and have a strong at-home oral care routine to keep their teeth healthy between their bi-annual dental examinations and cleanings.

For more information on these cosmetic dentistry procedures and more, please contact Dr. Joseph Reed at Arlington Dental in Arlington, TX. Call (817) 303-5700 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Reed today!