The Benefits Of Invisalign

The need for some form of orthodontic treatment is very common in children and teenagers. But according to a report in The Wall Street invisalignJournal, the number of adults getting orthodontic treatment well past puberty and the adolescent years has risen by as much as 40 percent since the mid-90s. While it is never too late to undergo necessary orthodontic and dental treatment, bite and alignment problems (also known as malocclusions) are generally easier to treat in childhood, while the teeth and dental structures are still developing.

Adults who get braces often have to wear them for longer periods, ranging from 18 months to three years, which can potentially deter adults from getting the orthodontic treatment they need. Invisalign clear aligner trays offer an alternative to traditional metallic braces. Dr. Joseph Reed, a general and cosmetic dentist in Arlington, TX, recommends Invisalign for adults and older teenagers looking for a discreet and non-invasive option to get straighter teeth.

Get Straighter Teeth with Invisalign in Arlington, TX

The Invisalign system is very straightforward and simple to use. After a comprehensive dental exam and evaluation, a set of clear aligner trays are custom designed for each person. Each tray is worn for approximately two weeks. In addition to being practically "invisible," Invisalign trays offer many advantages over traditional braces, including:

  • Can be removed for up to two hours each day for eating, brushing, and flossing
  • Are generally worn for 15 months, cutting down treatment time from traditional braces
  • Non-invasive
  • Do not disrupt nutrition, oral hygiene and lifestyle habits
  • Affordable

Most adults and older teenagers are generally eligible for orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.

Find a Dentist in Arlington, TX

More and more men and women have achieved straighter, more symmetrical and attractive smiles without traditional braces, thanks to Invisalign clear aligner trays. For more information, and to find out whether Invisalign is right for you, contact Arlington Dental by calling (817) 303-5700 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Reed today.