Close Gaps in Your Smile

Does the gap in your teeth make you feel self-conscious? Your Arlington, TX, dentist, Dr. Joseph Reed of Arlington Dental, can help you improve your appearance with Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

For years, braces were the only way to change the position of teeth. Today, Invisalign offers another option that's just as effective.

Orthodontic treatment requires applying constant tension that gradually realigns teeth. The Invisalign system uses a series of removable aligner trays, instead of wires and brackets, to shift the position of your teeth. Trays are created using a virtual, 3D image of your teeth that can be manipulated to simulate your treatment. You'll wear each tray for about 22 hours a day for two weeks. At the end of every two-week period, you'll begin wearing a new set of trays.

How can Invisalign improve my gaps?

Appearance concerns aren't the only problem with gaps. Spaces between teeth can trap food debris and increase your risk of cavities. Invisalign provides an effective way to close slight gaps between your teeth and improve your oral health. The gentle pressure applied by the trays slowly shifts your teeth, eliminating gaps. (Although Invisalign is very helpful for small gaps, you may need to wear metal braces if you have large spaces between your teeth. During your visit to the Arlington dental office, your dentist will let you know if Invisalign can improve your gaps.)

In addition to closing gaps between teeth, Invisalign can also be used to correct bite problems, including open bites, underbites, overbites, and crossbites.

What are the benefits of Invisalign treatment?

If you don't like the way metal braces look, Invisalign may be the perfect orthodontic treatment for you. Clear aligner trays offer a subtle way to improve your smile without drawing unwanted attention to your teeth. Whether you're a teen or adult, Invisalign treatment is an excellent option.

Taking care of your teeth during your treatment is incredibly easy. You'll remove your aligner trays before brushing and flossing and put them back in when you're finished. Are you worried that you'll need to stop eating your favorite foods due to your orthodontic treatment? Since you'll remove your trays before eating, you won't need to make any changes to your diet.

Would you like to enhance your smile with Invisalign? Call (817) 303-5700 to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Arlington, TX, Dr. Reed of Arlington Dental.