What To Do in a Dental Emergency

No one can predict when a dental emergency may happen, so it’s best to be prepared in case you ever experience one. Many situations require immediate intervention. Knowing what to do will help you stay calm and act quickly to save your tooth. Dr. Joseph Reed is a dentist at Arlington Dental in Arlington, TX. He provides general and emergency dentistry services.

What is a Dental Emergency?

Not all dental problems constitute an emergency. Dental emergencies include the following and Arlington dental patients should call Dr. Reed immediately in these cases:

  • Loss of a permanent tooth: If you lose a natural tooth due to trauma or injury, you must act fast to save it. If you have the tooth, pick it up by the crown and gently place it back into the socket. If you are unable to do so, place the tooth in a container of fresh milk to preserve it.
  • A broken tooth: A broken tooth can be caused by a fall, vehicle accident, a blow to the face, or even eating. If you can find the pieces of your broken tooth, this can help your dentist restore as much of the natural tooth as possible. Wrap the pieces of tooth in a tissue and place them inside a plastic bag. Rinse your injured tooth and place a piece of gauze over the injury to protect it from infection.
  • Severe toothache: If you have a severe or persistent toothache, this could be a sign of an infection or tooth abscess and it needs to be treated as soon as possible. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash or a mild salt solution. If your face is swollen place a cold compress on your cheek.

If you are having a dental emergency, you need treatment as soon as possible. Arlington residents who are looking for an emergency dentist can reach Dr. Reed at (817) 303-5700 to request an appointment.